[governance] coordinator elections
Avri Doria
avri at psg.com
Thu Apr 24 01:43:15 EDT 2008
On 24 Apr 2008, at 01:27, Parminder wrote:
> Membership is a more enduring quality, voting behavior is more
> transient. In
> fact, as noted above, I think quite likely that some people who may
> not have
> voted in the charter poll voted in the coordinator elections. You
> are given
> a voting ballot to choose, you think Parminder is likely to be an
> awful
> coordinator, you 'want' to say 'no' to him, as a right to expressing
> your
> views, because you are after all on the IGC list and affected by
> coordinator's behavior, and vote 'no'. Others may not care to say
> anything
> either way, without meaning to disengage from the group.
as you will remember the chance to vote non of the above was available.
i.e assign no points to either one, yet record a vote.
> Also please tell me what's your real problem with preparing a full
> list of
> the 'membership' as per the charter which we do not have at present
> and use
> it for voting purpose.
As I have said, I think that the caucus should be an open caucus and
that membership is up to each of the individual participants with no
need for any declaration except for when doing things like voting.
that is how i think it was conceived and that is what i believe the
charter supports.
also, as i said, it is a personal decision. each person will make
their own personal decision.
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