[governance] coordinator elections

Avri Doria avri at psg.com
Tue Apr 22 14:19:41 EDT 2008

On 22 Apr 2008, at 12:35, Parminder wrote:

> If anyone has any comments, pl give provide them now. Thanks.

>> "This is to prepare a voting list for the election of co- 
>> coordinator of
>> IGC.
>> The charter of the IGC at
>> http://www.igcaucus.org/IGC-charter_final-061014.html lays down  
>> that the
>> membership of IG consists of those who have endorsed the IGC  
>> charter. If
>> you
>> endorse the IGC charter pleas cut paste the following lines and  
>> reply to
>> this email.
>> "I have read the IGC charter at .... and endorse it". With your  
>> full name
>> appended to this.

i still prefer the  endorsement of the charter indicated by the act of  
voting as described in the charter and don't plan to swear any  
separate oaths myself.

i would see doing so as an explicit expression of not really  
supporting the charter since i would be doing something contrary to  
what the charter required.

if we had so desired we could have changed the charter.  we didn't.


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