[governance] IGC workshops
b.schombe at gmail.com
Sat Apr 19 06:06:56 EDT 2008
I am interested to be in the first workshop proposal: "Role and mandate of
the IGF"
2008/4/19, Parminder <parminder at itforchange.net>:
> Hi All
> This is where we stand on our workshop proposals.
> 1. Role and mandate of the IGF
> The call is open for volunteers to convene and join this group. As Adam
> and others said this should be a very useful exercise of evaluating the IGF
> at the mid-point of its (expectedly, initial) 5 year life. We will need to
> build on the work that got done for this workshop last year. As you know, we
> did hold a workshop in the same topic last year and the proposal is that we
> make this a regular IGF feature.
> Significantly, the IGF page listing the topic under which workshop
> proposals (http://www.intgovforum.org/workshop_info.htm ) may be given
> says; "Workshops on other issues relating to Internet governance and the
> mandate of the IGF are also welcome." We seem to be already in. I think this
> is an important impact of IGC's first ever workshop on this topic last year,
> that it is now a part of the official list of themes for workshops.
> 1. Trans-boundary jurisdiction issues
> A WG convened by Bret is developing this proposal.
> 1. Internationalization
> As proposed earlier, in this slot it will be useful to put in the IGP
> workshop proposal on 'The Future of ICANN: After the JPA, What?' Please see
> Milton's email of the 17th on this. Any IGC member who wishes to work with
> IGP group to develop/ influence this workshop proposal may write to Milton
> (and/or me), and can become a part of a WG.
> 1. A rights based approach to the Internet – Implications for IG
> Michael and Karen are co-coordinating a WG on this, and a proposal will
> soon be shared for discussion, as with other proposal. Anyone who wants to
> join this WG is welcome.
> If we can have the proposals from the WGs by the 23rd we can discuss them
> in the IGC till the 26th and then put them for a consensus call. These need
> to be submitted by 30th. We should get as much information in as possible to
> fill in the workshop application form which lists the following questions.
> 1. *Name of proposed workshop*
> 2. *Provide a concise description of the proposed workshop theme
> including its importance and relevance to the IGF.*
> 3. *Provide the names and affiliations of the panellists you are
> planning to invite. Describe the main actors in the field and whether you
> have you approached them about their willingness to participate in proposed
> workshop.*
> 4. *Provide the name of the organizer(s) of the workshop and their
> affiliation to various stakeholder groups. Describe how you will take steps
> to adhere to the multi-stakeholder principle, geographical diversity and
> gender balance.*
> 5. *Does the proposed workshop provide different perspectives on the
> issues under discussion?*
> 6. *Please explain how the workshop will address issues relating to
> Internet governance and describe how the workshop conforms with the Tunis
> Agenda in terms of substance and the mandate of the IGF.*
> 7. *List similar events you and/or any other IGF workshops you have
> organized in the past.*
> 8. *Were you part of organizing a workshop last year? Which one? Did
> you submit a workshop report?*
> 9. *9. Under which of the five IGF themes does the proposal fall
> under ?*
> The workshop proposal request says that at this stage we need to "at least
> provide answers to questions # 1,2,4 and 9".See* **
> http://www.intgovforum.org/workshop_info.htm . F*or answering question 9,*
> *please see the list of topics mentioned on this link, though workshops
> outside these topics can also be proposed.
> * *
> Thanks. Parminder
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email:b.schombe at gmail.com <email%3Ab.schombe at gmail.com>
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