[governance] Network Neutrality - A key IG issue ... ?
nancyp at yorku.ca
nancyp at yorku.ca
Tue Apr 15 12:17:52 EDT 2008
Indeed at OttawaU there are a number of people including Michael Geist who are
exploring Net Neutrality. At this point it seems a duality of issues have
become somewhat narrowly focused upon. First, the discussions regarding the
international oversight of the Domain Naming System. Secondly, the Net
neutrality debate revolving around last mile connectivity and end user issues
in the domestic arena. It is interesting that the two concepts fall so far at
the ends of the broad scale of connectivity. This dichotomy does have a middle
ground. It is the network of wires, cables, fibre, servers, colocational
spaces, carrier hotels, interconnect facilities, and transborder gateways. In
short, the peering points and the bandwidth which is connected, comprising the
internet infrastructure. Policy based routing is instrumental in traffic
shaping and net neutrality discussions.
Nancy Paterson
Quoting Robert Guerra <lists at privaterra.info>:
> Kwasi:
> As the issue you raise is really more related to network neutrality, i
> hope you don't mind that I've changed the subject line...
> On that topic - there's a rather - extensive - debate currently taking
> place about network neutrality in Canada. let me recommend the
> following references:
> Keeping the net neutral
> http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/tech/net-neutral.html
> Net Neutrality Canada
> http://www.neutrality.ca/
> http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/2787/125/
> CRTC To Face Net Neutrality Issue as CAIP Demands Bell Cease and
> Desist Its Throttling Practices
> http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/2811/125/
> The CRTC has to date largely avoided the net neutrality issue,
> however, that is about to change. The Canadian Association of
> Internet Providers, Canada's largest ISP association, has filed a Part
> VII application with the CRTC asking it to direct Bell Canada to cease
> and desist from throttling its wholesale Internet service.
> regards
> Robert
> On 15-Apr-08, at 10:01 AM, kwasi boakye-akyeampong wrote:
> > There is heated debate currently in the UK about whether Internet
> > bandwidth should be metered. Most ISPs contend that today's
> > applications increasingly put pressure on bandwidth which is not
> > infinite, as a result there should be a way of controlling
> > consumption. Current pricing models allow most users unlimited
> > downloads.
> >
> > Some users argue that things work out since not every one is a heavy
> > user. Most domestic users, in fact, use the Net basically for
> > checking their mails and hardly download stuff.
> >
> > Are the ISPs complaints legitimate? Are video-rich websites like
> > youtube having significant impact yet?
> >
> > Kwasi
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