[governance] ISP 'listening in' to your tap-tap-tap on your

Suresh Ramasubramanian suresh at hserus.net
Mon Apr 7 09:58:29 EDT 2008

Carlos Afonso [07/04/08 08:45 -0300]:
> Unfortunately not, Suresh... And certainly the axis of pax americana does 
> not need more defenders. They have abundant supply of these, either by 
> force (their historically proven preference) or otherwise.

Oh, I'm not defending pax americana as much as I'm criticizing its sillier
critics.  I'm quite agnostic about which variety of rabid civil society
proaganda I criticize - butted heads with moveon.org as well as their right
wing equivalents, and the same in other countries where I've lived long
enough to take an interest in local politics.

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