SV: [governance] space on Nov.11th

Vittorio Bertola vb at
Tue Sep 25 12:26:45 EDT 2007

Parminder ha scritto:
>> I agree with Lee, we can be flexible and try to end GigaNet business by
>> 5:00 if it helps. If a few hard-core giganetters miss the first 20
>> minutes or so of a 5:00 meeting it is not a big deal.
> That will be great. So we can commence IGC meeting at 530 sharp to go till
> 730 - 8. 

I was wondering whether we should schedule a caucus and/or "CS plenary" 
meeting later in the week. As meetings go until 19:30 there is not much 
available space, but perhaps we could use Thursday evening (the last 
day) or Wednesday (but we'd have basically to do it over dinner time).
vb.                   Vittorio Bertola - vb [a]   <--------
-------->  finally with a new website at  <--------
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