[governance] Substantive issues in CIR: speakers for IGF

Milton L Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Tue Sep 11 11:55:42 EDT 2007

Thanks for the judicious clarification. However, my purpose in formulating the taxonomy was not to suggest that it be strictly adhered to as the controlling agenda of the session, which I realize is outside of my and IGC's control. 

My intent was to lay out the cIr issues clearly for CS actors here on the list, so that we can decide which ones are priorities and should be addressed in the discussion, by whomever we happen to get onto the panel. 

Milton Mueller, Professor
Syracuse University 
School of Information Studies
Internet Governance Project:
The Convergence Center:

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Peake [mailto:ajp at glocom.ac.jp] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 8:15 AM
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org; Milton L Mueller
Subject: Re: [governance] Substantive issues in CIR: speakers for IGF


I left the advisory group meeting a day early, 
but when I left it was unanimous (unanimous to 
the extent that it was supported by everyone who 
spoke on the issue and no one spoke against) in 
adopting the proposal you see in the meeting 

"Starting point for the discussion is the 
definition contained in the WGIG report (Para 13 

'Issues relating to infrastructure and the 
management of critical Internet resources, 
including administration of the domain name 
system and Internet protocol addresses (IP 
addresses), administration of the root server 
system, technical standards, peering and 
interconnection, telecommunications 
infrastructure, including innovative and 
convergent technologies, as well as 

The session will use a baseline approach, taking 
into account WSIS principles. The purpose of the 
discussion is to bring out information and 

There will be a balanced panel of five to seven 
experts, including the major players, reflecting 
a range of views "  (end quote)

The advisory group operates under the Chatham 
House Rule so I cannot identify the member that 
proposed this formulation, however, China's 
contribution to the open consultation on Sept 3 
supports using para 13a as the base definition 
for the session. The AG attempted to reflect 
consensus as it heard it in contributions.  I 
personally favor your proposal below (except C1 
and C2 which I think irrelevant right now to IGF, 
but that's just me), but I think there is strong 
consensus for this broader approach and that is 
the one we should work to now. Of course that 
doesn't mean speakers cannot focus on the issues 
they want to focus on, or contributions and 
questions from the floor are limited in anyway.


>Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>	boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C7F42D.60455CFD"
>As suggested in my last post, it makes little 
>sense to discuss speakers without a clear idea 
>of what is to be spoken about.
>Here's a quick taxonomy of cIr issues:
>A. Virtual resource economics
>   A1. IPv4 address exhaustion: appropriate responses
>   A2. IPv6 address allocation policies and their 
>impact on ISP industry, competition, industry 
>development and routing
>   A3. Regulations and policies applied to the domain name industry
>   A4. Multilingual domains
>B. Governance structures
>   B1. ICANN as institution, its political 
>oversight and reforms/changes in its structure
>   B2. Problem of trust anchor (signing the root) in DNSSEC
>   B3. Role of national governments cIr 
>governance; i.e., GAC, the Tunis Agenda "public 
>policy principles"
>C. Human Rights and cIr
>   C1. DNS Whois and privacy
>   C2. Freedom of expression and ICANN's new gTLD policy
>D. Security and cIr
>   D1. DNSSEC implementation
>   D2. Secure routing
>Now this list can no doubt be improved and/or expanded but it's a start.
>I note that topics A1, B2, B3, C2, and D1 are 
>all addressed in workshops. As Bertrand 
>suggests, a plenary session that chooses to 
>address any of these issues should draw to some 
>extent from workshop speakers. 
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