[governance] Speakers for IGF - ideas?

Dan Krimm dan at musicunbound.com
Fri Sep 7 15:31:09 EDT 2007

At 7:41 AM -0400 9/7/07, veni markovski wrote:
>At 21:55 9/6/2007  -0700, you wrote:
>>This is exactly my point.  This is a beautiful example of an intrinsically
>>ineffective ad, unless perhaps it would have been placed in a *jobs
>>section* or something.  What a waste.
>so now this is a waste. If there are no ads, then the criticism is
>"why there are no ads". If there are ads, it changes to "what a

The ads must be well-designed and properly placed to be effective.  My call
is for effective ads, not just any old ads.

To claim that ads don't work while failing to understand that there were
fatal flaws in the design and placement of the ads is to ignore those
internal flaws and to blame the ad's intended audience for not responding
to the ads when in fact it is how the ads were devised in the first place
that is primarily at fault for any non-response.

Bottom line: This example does not prove that there is no audience for
ICANN's work, only that the ad was flawed.  In experimental terms, this was
a flawed experiment with insufficient controls and erroneous analysis of
results.  If it were an experiment, it would be a travesty of violation of
the scientific method.

But it still would make sense to do the experiment properly!  I'm *still*
calling for *well-executed* ads in terms of outreach for general public
comments for the public fora (which this ad doesn't address in the
slightest -- as I said before, apples and oranges).

If you'd stop defending the indefensible out of blind institutional loyalty
and try to correct and improve the process instead, you'd be a lot better
off.  And in the meantime, hire some professionals with appropriately
matched expertise to do professional work.  This ad was simply not
professionally executed, regardless of whatever credentials the people
working on it had or have.  And it doesn't apply to the public comment
process in any manner at all.

I'm afraid I cannot spend any more time today on this or over the weekend,
due to other obligations.

Perhaps I'll pick up on it on Monday, perhaps not.

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