[governance] Re: [millenniumplus5ngonetwork] * Elected to Peoples Congress: Meeting *
linda misek-falkoff
ldmisekfalkoff at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 13:11:01 EDT 2007
Wonderful ROB, the news and this present report.
Hearty congratulations, to you and to us for your being a colleague and so
well networked..
In tandem, *Respectful Interfaces* stands ready to participate as the
occasion arises.
As one analogue, people are indeed assembling in new ways in our time
(though the Internet is not now new of course, social networking is
increasingly apace), and your estimable prior history and present insightful
leadership is so valuable to us all.
IGF-I Rio (internet Governance Conference) will provide more input; I'll
post a report.
On 10/30/07, Rob Wheeler <rob at wmgd.net> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I am writing to let you know that I was recently elected to the Peoples
> Congress, which was started in France
> almost forty years ago, is associated with the Registry of World Citizens,
> and includes Delegates from all around
> the world. The Peoples Congress aims to establish a World Parliament and a
> binding and enforceable International
> Rule of Law and to support efforts to solve our primary global problems.
> See: www.recim.org.
> I will be attending the first meeting after the election in Liege, Belgium
> this coming weekend. I will be in very good
> company as the others elected are also very capable and dedicated world
> democracy advocates. However I am the
> only American, as far as I can tell, other than Lucy Webster in the
> Peoples Congress.
> Among my personal goals is to build support for the many approaches to
> creating a world democracy and an
> effective means of global governance – as I believe that most of them hold
> a great deal of promise and it is up to
> everyone interested to choose among them; insist that the UN must either
> be strengthened and democratized or
> augmented by a more effective body; and to call for the Universal
> Declaration of Human Rights to be fully
> enforced and implemented during it's 60th Anniversary year. In addition,
> we should insist that all wars must be
> stopped given that they violate the most fundamental articles of the UN
> Charter; that all countries plan for a fully
> sustainable future; and that all peoples' basic human needs are met.
> This could all be done fairly easily if We, the People of the World, will
> insist upon it and act accordingly. Most of
> the proposals needed to accomplish this have already been made; now we
> just have to raise public awareness and
> develop the political will to actually accomplish it.
> I would like to ask you for your support in my efforts and would offer to
> represent you and your hopes and desires
> in the Peoples Congress. I am a firm advocate of creating a participatory
> means of global democracy where all of
> the people that are interested can participate directly in solving our
> global problems and creating a world that
> works for everyone. I have written an article about this that is archived
> at: http://groups.google.com/group/
> worldcit/files; click on Wheeler VC Paper.
> Please give me a call today or tomorrow or send me an email before Friday,
> November 2nd if you have any input
> that you would like to share with me or suggestions that you want to make
> in regards to the Peoples Congress.
> In August I attended the World Federalist Movement Congress in Germany
> where I was successful in getting
> proposals for a UN Peoples Assembly, a Call for a UN Charter Review
> Process and Conference, and a Committee to
> work on this adopted. A group of us also held a number of meetings to work
> on the ongoing effort to organize a
> coalition of people and organizations that support world democracy.
> As you are probably aware I have also been quite active at the United
> Nations and other international fora during
> the past ten years. I have attended most of the sessions of the UN
> Commission on Sustainable Development, the
> Annual DPI/NGO Conference, NGO Disarmament Week, Peace and Disarmament
> Conferences, UBUNTU UN Reform
> Conferences, the Perugia Assembly of the UN of the Peoples, the World
> Social Forum, Global Democracy and World
> Federalist Conferences, and many other UN processes and activities. I
> served for several years on the Executive
> Committee of the UN Millennium NGO Forum, as well as on the International
> Steering Committee of the World Civil
> Society Forum and UN Habitat's Initiative on Access to Basic Services for
> All.
> Benton Musslewhite, the President of One World Now, has been quite
> gracious in supporting my travels and
> organizing efforts as an International Representative of his organization
> during the past several years. However I
> would appreciate any help that others of you could give as well. If you
> can help with my expenses to continue on
> with this world democracy work, please let me know and/or send a check to
> Rob Wheeler, 1927 Hafer Road,
> Fayetteville, PA 17222 USA. Any amount given would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you to so many of you who have and who continue to support my
> efforts as well as your own to make the
> world a better, a more peaceful, and sustainable place for everyone. Let
> us continue on as successfully as
> possible.
> Sincerely,
> Rob Wheeler
> 1-717-264-5036
> rob at wmgd.net <rob%40wmgd.net>
> 1927 Hafer Road
> Fayetteville, PA 17222 USA
> PS – I will send out a full report about what occurred and what we will be
> trying to accomplish after the Peoples
> Congress meeting. Thanks again, Rob Wheeler
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> --
> Linda D. Misek-Falkoff, Ph.D., J.D.
> For I.D. only here:
> Coordination of Singular Organizations on Disability (IDC Steering).
> Persons With Pain International. National Disability Party, International
> Disability Caucus.
> IDC-ICT Taskforce.
> Respectful Interfaces* - Communications Coordination Committee For The U.N
> .
> (Other Affiliations on Request).
> alternate email:
> linda at 2007ismy50thyearincomputingandIamawomanwithdisabilities.com
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