[governance] Senate Deal on Immunity for Phone Companies
Riaz K. Tayob
riazt at iafrica.com
Sat Oct 20 17:19:35 EDT 2007
Senate Deal on Immunity for Phone Companies
By Eric Lichtblau
The New York Times
Thursday 18 October 2007
Washington - Leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee reached a
tentative agreement on Wednesday with the Bush administration that would
give telephone carriers legal immunity for any role they played in the
National Security Agency's domestic eavesdropping program approved by
President Bush after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, a Congressional
official said Wednesday.
Senators this week began reviewing classified documents related to
the participation of the telephone carriers in the security agency
program and came away from that early review convinced that the
companies had "acted in good faith" in cooperating with what they
believed was a legal and presidentially authorized program and that they
should not be punished through civil litigation for their roles, the
official said.
As part of legislation on the security agency's wiretapping
authorities, the White House has been pushing hard for weeks to get
immunity for the telecommunications companies in discussions with
Senator John D. Rockefeller IV of West Virginia, the Democratic chairman
of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and Senator Christopher S. Bond of
Missouri, the ranking Republican. A tentative deal was first reported by
The Washington Post.
The Intelligence Committee will begin reviewing the legislation at
a closed session on Thursday.
The agreement between the Senate Intelligence Committee and the
Bush administration would also include a greater role for the secret
intelligence court in overseeing and approving methods of wiretapping
used by the security agency, the official said.
But it is not clear whether this and other toughened civil
liberties safeguards included in the agreement will go far enough to
mollify senators on the Senator Judiciary Committee, who will also
review the plan once the intelligence panel finishes its work.
Word of the deal came hours after House Republicans used a
parliamentary maneuver to scuttle a vote on a measure that would have
imposed new restrictions on the security agency's eavesdropping powers.
At the start of the day, Democrats were confident that the measure
would gain approval in the House despite a veto threat from President
Bush. But after an afternoon of partisan sniping, Democratic leaders put
off that vote because of a competing measure from Republicans that on
its face asked lawmakers to declare where they stood on stopping Osama
bin Laden from attacking the United States again.
The Republican measure declared that nothing in the broader bill
should be construed as prohibiting intelligence officials from
conducting the surveillance needed to prevent Mr. bin Laden or Al Qaeda
"from attacking the United States." Had it passed, it threatened to
derail the Democratic measure altogether.
Democrats denounced the Republicans' poison pill on Mr. bin Laden
as a cynical political ploy and "a cheap shot." But Democratic leaders
realized that they were at risk of losing the votes of a contingent of
more moderate Democrats who did not want to be left vulnerable for
voting against a resolution to stop Al Qaeda, officials said. So the
leaders pulled the measure, promising to take it up again next week once
they could solidify support.
The Republican maneuver "would have killed the bill, and we
couldn't risk that," said a senior Democratic aide, who spoke on
condition of anonymity to discuss internal leadership deliberations. "We
thought we'd be able to defeat it, but it became clear that we couldn't."
The episode revealed, once again, fault lines within the Democratic
Party over how to tackle national security questions without appearing
"soft" on terrorism in the face of Republican criticism.
Indeed, Republican leaders immediately praised their ability to
block the N.S.A. measure as a sign of the Democrats' weakness on that
issue. Representative Heather A. Wilson, Republican of New Mexico, said
Speaker Nancy Pelosi "underestimated the intelligence of the American
people and the bipartisan majority in the Congress to understand what
matters most: preventing another terrorist attack."
Democrats, clearly thrown on the defensive, countered that
Republicans were the ones playing politics with national security.
"Once again, House Republicans have chosen to engage in politics
rather than substantively address the challenges that face the American
people," said Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the House
Democratic leader. "Once again, they have offered an amendment that, if
passed, would have substantially delayed this important legislation
which is designed to protect the American people by proposing language
already provided in the bill."
The Democratic measure would have sought to restore some of the
restrictions on the security agency's wiretapping powers that had been
loosened under a temporary measure approved by Congress just before its
August recess. The new bill would give the secret foreign intelligence
court a greater oversight role in the agency's interception of
foreign-based communications into the United States, and it would
provide for more reporting and accountability when the communications of
Americans were involved.
The Bush administration has lobbied hard against the measure. One
of its chief complaints is that the House bill would not provide
immunity for telephone carriers as the Senate measure does.
A day after threatening to veto the House measure, Mr. Bush kept up
the political pressure Wednesday in the hours before the bill was to
come up for a vote. He said at a news conference that the Democratic
plan would weaken national security, and he urged Congress instead to
make permanent the measure it passed in August, which broadened the
security agency's authority to wiretap terrorism suspects without court
oversight. That measure expires in February.
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