Privacy was Re: [governance] Who will be in Rio?
Rui Correia
correia.rui at
Tue Oct 9 07:36:33 EDT 2007
Perhaps good to remember that there are a few elements that set us apart
from the other two sectors (business and government). One such is that we
are ALWAYS in favour of transparency/ openness/ access to information/
accountability, whereas the other two are demonstrably only so when
convenient (i.e. not in conflict with any other vested interest).
That being the case, to now want to participate incognito, would make us
loose a bit of our soul.
Having said that - and unless I missed it, has not been mentioned so far -
perhaps there is a need for privacy in some cases: we do know of members of
this caucus and other caucuses that are not as free to come and go and say
with impunity where they have been as the rest of us. Then again, not having
your name on a public list might be little comfort, when agents of the
regimes that they seek to outmanoeuvre are most likely to be present in Rio
and any other future event.
So, to be or not to be ... on a public list
On 09/10/2007, KovenRonald at <KovenRonald at> wrote:
> Dear All --
> I wholeheartedly agree with Norbert's take on the privacy issue and hope
> that will be the last word in what has been perhaps the most amusing (a
> euphemism to avoid offense to anyone) discussions in the leadup to IGF II.
> Bests, Rony Koven
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Rui Correia
Advocacy, Human Rights, Media and Language Consultant
2 Cutten St
South Africa
Tel/ Fax (+27-11) 766-4336
Cell (+27) (0) 84-498-6838
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