[governance] Who will be in Rio?
KovenRonald at aol.com
KovenRonald at aol.com
Wed Oct 3 07:32:32 EDT 2007
Dear Anriette --
The World Press Freedom Committee plans to be represented in Rio by
Mark Bench, Executive Director
Julien Pain
Yr Humble Servant, Ronald Koven, European Representative
Look forward to seeing you there.
Bests, Rony
PS I've stayed out of the I'net Governance caucus thread on freedom of
expression because it seems to be raking over so many old coals, but I was tempted
to remark in response to the person who once again raised the growingly hoary
example of Radio des Mille Collines to justify limits on press freedom that the
old Anglo-Saxon legal dictium that "hard cases make bad law" seems
RMC was not an independent news media outlet but the propaganda organ of a
party to a conflict (even if it masqueraded as an independent private radio and
had experienced journalists on staff). Designating specific persons or groups
for extermination is hardly a news media function. RMC was in fact a weapon in
a civil war, and it would have been justified to bomb it out of existence if
it could have been found. (Most probably out of fear that just that could
happen, it moved around and was hard to locate.) Bombing it would have been as
justified as bombing Dr. Joseph Goebbels Propaganda Ministry would have been
justified during WWII. RMC had nothing to do with independent news media
properly so-called.
See what's new at
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