[governance] For you as an Internet user, what is a "Critical Internet resource"?

Karl Auerbach karl at cavebear.com
Mon Oct 1 17:03:00 EDT 2007

I agree with you that DNS roots are not a critical resource.

My list of critical internet resources is short:

  - IP addresses and routing

A sub-issue of routing is the question of procedural/administrative 
mechanisms to give end-users (or their agents, ISPs) the ability to try 
to obtain end-to-end assurances (not guarantees) of flow quality 
sufficient to support a proposed application (such as VoIP.)

Another sub issue is need to prune and remove filters that have become 
stale - much of the net is becoming contaminated soil because of a 
legacy of prior uses and filters that are deployed by net providers and 
users and never removed.

In the future I'd add troubleshooting and control mechanisms, but that's 
a future thing.

And I sense that we are entering an era in which we will have debates 
about centralized versus decentralized reputation services, but that 
strikes me as a reprise of the singular versus multiple DNS root debate 
but without the layer of dogmatic preconceptions.

Another issue that may come forth in the future is that of attachments - 
might we someday require that devices bear some sort of seal of goodness 
before they may attach to the net?  I say this because I am in the 
business of testing stuff and I never cease to be amazed at the low 
quality of some of the junk that we attach to the net without the 
slightest thought of the damage that it might directly cause or how it 
might become a vector allowing indirect harm.

The reason that my list is so short is that I define the internet as an 
open system that transports IP packets from source IP addresses to 
destination IP addresses.


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