[governance] IG questions that are not ICANN [was: Irony]
Karl Auerbach
karl at cavebear.com
Fri Nov 30 11:51:12 EST 2007
>> There is strong interest here in many IG issues that are not purely
>> ICANN. I see four main categories:
There's one more that we both forgot:
7. Oversight of the upper tiers of DNS to assure that DNS query packets
are quickly, efficiently, accurately, and reliably transformed into DNS
response packets without prejudice for or against any query source or
queried name.
We have informal protection through the stellar performance of the root
server operators, but they are under no oversight except their
individual selves and they are free to go other ways, even to cease, at
their own whim and option.
And most TLD operators run good quality operations, but again, there is
little oversight. Many believe that ICANN provides that oversight, but
if one looks at what ICANN does one sees that that oversight is
primarily on the "front office" operation - they buying and selling of
domain names - and not on the part that the vast majority of internet
users care about, the actual handling of DNS query packets. (ICANN does
have a few requirements, but they are so broad and orders of magnitude
off scale as to be largely useless.
Many internet users are of the belief that such oversight exists. In
that regard they hold an opinion that is not greatly different from that
held by the residents of New Orleans in the summer of 2004 when they
thought that the US government was prepared to respond to hurricane
I described some of the concrete aspects in the note on this list at
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