[governance] Rudeness tectics (was Re: Reinstate the Vote)

Avri Doria avri at psg.com
Fri Nov 23 11:56:54 EST 2007

On 23 nov 2007, at 08.09, Norbert Bollow wrote:

> Given that the use of rudeness tectics against specific people with
> the goal of reducing their ability to effectively communicate their
> viewpoints is a significant problem in internet-based group
> dosucssions, I would suggest that it should be considered part of the
> substance of internet governance discussions to figure out how this
> problem should be addressed.

i think defining rudeness will be as difficult as defining morality.

we would also need to study the use of accusations of rudeness
in their tactical role in internet discussion.

while i do think it would make for a interesting academic exercise  
and if
i can find a student who also thinks it a cool subject would try to
support that research, i am not sure that it is quite ready to be  
a substantive part of the Internet Governance debate.


  ps, was this rude?
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