[governance] Real-Time Bench Mark, happy for 'interfaces' provided which herald more.

linda misek-falkoff ldmisekfalkoff at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 15:20:36 EST 2007

Hi All, thank you Avri for chat room exchanges, and thank you too Jeremy and
Adam et al.
Avri was in chat rooms a bit before; interesting what we mean by "in" rooms,
the spatial metaphor has worked!  And not just among us.

I am glad I chose interfaces as point of concentration, not unhappy at all
to be here; it's a good start.

Hope there are archives aplenty of the main and side events. In various
venues there were a lot of very interesting *urls* mentioned fleetingly, and
interventions where we were not sure who was presenting.  Here's to the

Best, L.

-- chat posts -

*process note*. Avri, clearly you are acting as a good agent and advocate
for those online as participants. This is arduous, but enjoyable, and much
to be pursued. The chair acknowledges, what, 10 online submitted questions?
So thank you once again for piping this forward. Perhaps next year (I do not
refer to my own questions in queue, but for all of us) some prioritizing
could take place. After all,lacking interactivity, expanding on question
(dialogue mode as excellently taking place in Rio on the floor) online
participants are already quite hampered, as well as the physical
restrictions of extended computer keyboarding. Stay in there for us! We are
appreciative. L.

*You* talk with *Everybody*:

Age 70, > 50 year on Internet and prior nets. So especially privileged in
navigating here, but what about novices? We can set up educational
resources. :)

*You* talk with *Everybody*:

*clarification* online submitted questions acknowledged, so thank you much
for the delivery. But then they skipped them. Ran out of time. L.
Dr. Linda D. Misek-Falkoff
*Respectful Interfaces*
International Disability Caucus ITC Task-Force.
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