[governance] Re: This Distance Forum - as Launchpad and Microcosm

linda misek-falkoff ldmisekfalkoff at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 09:48:23 EST 2007

Just noticed the Community Site reference to Second Life!

On 11/12/07, linda misek-falkoff <ldmisekfalkoff at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well met -
> From the pre comments and present ones already, such as the  present ones
> on inclusion and bill of rights... dynamic coalitions as approach to be
> adopted...
> does it not emerge that the richer we can have the present albeit
> circumcised domain of "connected in " participants, the more it will be
> truly multistakeholder and inclusive as each IGF speaker has emphasized so
> far. And this enlargement of access and experience here will hold promise
> for the access and reach for the general global populace.
> And perhaps in addition to hopping among distinct venues like email and
> video and chat, we might be in a Second or Third or Nth Life or somewhat. of
> our own collectively,  where 'all things good' things merge...... events
> formal and formal, and all that's entailed.
> :)
> Linda.
> Dr. L. D. Misek-Falkoff
> *Respectful Interfaces*
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