[governance] IGC's meeting on 1th at 6 PM
karen banks
karenb at gn.apc.org
Mon Nov 5 13:51:14 EST 2007
hi bill
>The meeting starts at 6 PM so as not to clash with GigaNet program.
>It will go on till 8 PM. If it is at all possible I will request APC
>to consider meeting after 8 PM. Presence of APC folks is important
>for the IGC.
i'm afraid we're committed from 7pm, for the evening..
>I will request Markus to come in at 630, he can be around till 7.
> From 6 to 630 and 7 to 8 IGC can take up its internal agenda. The
> agenda will be finalized in the next 3 days. Inputs for it are welcome.
>From: karen banks [mailto:karenb at gn.apc.org]
>Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2007 4:24 PM
>To: governance at lists.cpsr.org; William Drake; Governance
>Subject: Re: [governance] IGC's meeting on 1th at 6 PM
>You might ask Markus if itd be convenient for him to come by around
>6:30, in case the meeting is slow to come together and get focused
>with people milling around etc. Probably hell be pretty busy so it
>wouldnt make sense for him to be spinning his wheels before weve
>gotten it together.
>key APC staff have a meeting at 7 (at least for myself, anriette and
>willie) - any chance the meeting could be a little earlier?
>PS: The final Giga program is
>On 11/4/07 7:47 AM, "Parminder" <parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:
>This is also to reconfirm that IG Caucus will meet at 6 PM after the
>GigaNet meeting on the 11th. The place of the meeting will be announces soon.
>Markus has indicated that he is available to step into the meeting
>if IGC so desires. I think we should take the offer. It helps keep a
>close liaison with the IGF secretariat, and we can clarify
>substantive issues that we may have with him.
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