[governance] bureau yes bureau no???
William Drake
drake at hei.unige.ch
Thu May 24 14:57:34 EDT 2007
Nothing is formally decided until the mAG formally reconvenes in September,
but does seem that there will be a core resources main session. I'm not
sure I regard it is an enormous victory, since we were supporting actors,
some of the governments who've pushed for it undoubtedly have different
agendas from at least some of us, and our other main session suggestions
have not engendered a peep of discussion. Moreover, we're talking about a
two hour panel discussion, which is hardly earth shaking. But it is
progress toward being a context in which at least some issues of particular
concern to many can be addressed in some fashion.
On 5/24/07 5:13 PM, "Milton Mueller" <Mueller at syr.edu> wrote:
>>>> ca at rits.org.br 5/24/2007 9:17 AM >>>
>> A big change might be, finally, the introduction of "management
>> of critical resources" as one of the main topics
> I think that would be both an important change and a huge victory. A
> victory for reality over illusion and obfuscation, as well as for civil
> society interventions.
> I am not on the ground there and thus not privy to the atmospherics
> surrounding the discussion, so would gladly receive correction and
> criticism on this point. But to me, an IGF that does not directly and
> openly acknowledge the existence of Internet resource administration as
> one of its key issues is a farce. Of course, it is not the only issue or
> even necessarily the dominant one. But we cannot go on with the "head in
> the sand" attitude promoted by some.
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