[governance] igc@ igf

William Drake drake at hei.unige.ch
Wed May 23 05:00:44 EDT 2007

On 5/23/07 8:05 AM, "Parminder" <parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:

> The enclosed draft which draws a lot from the Feb statement of the IGC to the
> IGF consultations, with some additional points, for instance as suggested by
> Robin Gross at the yesterdays¹ CS plenary to add human rights as a cross
> cutting theme along with development, will be discussed among the IGC members
> present in Geneva in a meeting at ITU exactly in an hour from now, prior to
> the official consultations.
> If there is a good amount of consensus among those present, with a shared
> acceptance that this draft reflects positions that are generally understood to
> have been accepted/ endorsed by the caucus, it will form a spoken input into
> the consultation on the behalf of the IG caucus.

Just to clarify, the text was approved for a read out by the 17 people
attending the caucus meeting this morning, in accordance with the Charter
procedures Avri reminded us of the other day, below.


>> Normally, whenever there is sufficient time for a statement to be
>> discussed and approved by the caucus as a whole, the decision
>> procedure outlined above will be required. However, there will be
>> occasions when members of the caucus will be attending meetings and
>> will be presented with the opportunity to make statements that
>> require a very quick response. In these cases, while it is still
>> required that the caucus be informed of an upcoming statement and  its
>> contents as soon as possible the following rule may be applied  when
>> necessary:
>>    1.
>>       The coordinators will act as the official representatives of
>> the caucus and will be responsible for approving any statement that
>> cannot be discussed by the caucus within the time available.
>>    2.
>>       In the case of face-to-face meetings, they will also  coordinate
>> with the members of the IGC who are present. Any  statement should
>> reflect the assumed general thinking of the  caucus, rather than just
>> that of those members who are physically  present at the meeting.
>>    3.
>>       If neither of the IGC coordinators can be physically present  in
>> face-to-face meetings, they will delegate coordination to  another
>> participant of such events. This delegation should, if  possible, be
>> made before the meeting and with the advice of the  caucus.
>>    4.
>>       Statements and positions on behalf of the caucus will be
>> prepared and coordinated by the coordinators, or their delegate as
>> appropriate.
>>    5.
>>       Such statements will reflect the vision, objectives and basic
>> principles of Civil Society in general, and the IGC in particular.
>> Such statements will try to interpret, in good faith, the assumed
>> general thinking of the caucus, based on past discussions and
>> documents, and should not contradict the positions taken by the
>> caucus in the past.
>>    6.
>>       Such statements will be sent to the IGC as soon as possible,
>> preferably before being presented, but if that is impossible, then  as
>> soon after their presentation as possible.


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