[governance] Diligent Performance
yehudakatz at mailinator.com
yehudakatz at mailinator.com
Tue May 15 10:26:39 EDT 2007
>Frankly, having worked for an NGO doing fundraising,
>we should be pleased the funding was won as I can
>only imagine the topic isn't easy to convince Funders
>to give funds for.
My point is that the WSIS process raised roughly 3.5 million USD in a
transparent manor of donations, however distribution of the sum was not so
transparent until it was ex-post-facto (after the fact). [and we still await
Bertrand's up-to-date input].
Transparency and the Double Standard: (Milton aside / non-personal)
When capital is raised for altruistic-ventures, in particularly with Publicly
Announced Private Funds, 99.999999% of the time there are Objectives
written into the Grant application.
WSIS had and made transparent (available) these Objectives during the
Geneva & Tunis phases. The Fronting of these altruistic-objectives reinforced
the legitimacy of the Internet Governance platform, too which Funders
WSIS was several years ago, Did the children of Botswana get their 100$
laptops?, did schools in Haiti, Ecuador, Paraguay get that internet
connection?, and did the people of Bangladesh, Laos, Sri Lanka get that digital
[Balls in your Court that was 3.5 Million Dollars Ago]
Inroads Benchmark check, How well is the process-of-altruistic-capital
The Ford Foundation sets objectives for itself, thus Grants thereof share
All Im asking is: What are the Objectives?, How can we as literate humans help
meet these Objectives?, and What areas need (lack) the most support?.
Im not asking for money, Im asking to help, ... I want results.
No-one on this list wishes to be; used, compromised, and subordinated. I
presume we all came here to help in one way or another. Having said that I must
go on to say that; I will not be used as a Guinea Pig for some academic
exploit, and I will not participate in the disenfranchisement of People &
Places desperately in need of help through the systematic squandering of
capital designated to help those in need.
The Idea that ICANN, ITU, and the IGF needs to Fly around the World to meet
and discuss IT/IP issues is repugnant. Its disgusting in the size of the
Carbon-Foot print alone, in which it creates.
You know
Through the years we have been discussing IT/IP matters, we have
lost the Yangzi White River Dolphin,
Bees, Birds and Fish stocks have come
into huge HUGE decline, and fresh water supplies in what used to be wetlands
habitat are gone. Dried up .. just like the money Pal.
That really really, bothers me
that humans can be so stupid, not just to
each-other, but to unto the world in which we live.
Some of you are supposed to be the Intellectual-Cream-of-the-Crop, your
pampered, your cared for now and after into retirement [some two & three dipps
a-piece ]. Yet it seems you still cant deliver Humanity from Servitude and the
Destruction of which it creates.
You can start the ICANN San Juan / IGF Rio meeting with a mandate for Green
meetings in the future.
Note to Kieren: Carbon-Free Green meetings from now on / Priority #1 -ICANN
San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Note to Milton: Grant Objectives please.
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