[governance] IGC statement to IGF MAG - content
Jeremy Malcolm
Jeremy at Malcolm.id.au
Mon May 7 04:54:33 EDT 2007
Parminder wrote:
> We will like to preface our contribution by referring to the Tunis Agenda,
> and noting that many aspects of the mandate of the IGF which gives it a more
> proactive role than merely a policy deliberative space, remain unfulfilled.
Here and below, the references to a "policy deliberative space"
overstate what can be achieved in a moderated panel presentation format.
For me, talk of deliberation suggests a more structured, intensive,
interactive format specifically designed to foster free, reasoned and
equal discussion that leads towards consensus. There are various
implementations of this ideal for groups of various sizes, of which the
Consensus Conference is one that could be adapted for the IGF. However,
it is far from what exists now. So in reference to the IGF of Athens
and Rio, I would replace "policy deliberative space" with the more
general "policy discussion space". The issue of how to adapt the IGF's
processes to be more deliberative is one of those that will fall within
our proposed topic 4.
Otherwise I am happy with your introduction.
Jeremy Malcolm LLB (Hons) B Com
Internet and Open Source lawyer, IT consultant, actor
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