[governance] IGC statement to IGF MAG - content
dogwallah at gmail.com
Sun May 6 08:48:52 EDT 2007
On 5/6/07, Parminder <parminder at itforchange.net> wrote:
> (2) ICANN and Core Internet Resources
> Core Internet resources should be discussed as a main session in the IGF.
> Policy toward "critical Internet resources" are a major topic in the
> Tunis
> Agenda and the mandate for the IGF. Currently, name and number resources
> are
> administered by ICANN and the Regional Internet Registries.
I'd add "respectively" to the above.
As it stands it sounds to me like the RIR's administer name resources. This
is not the case (unless one considers 1.220.41.in-addr.arpa a name
This session
> should discuss the policy issues and policy making processes in these
> institutions.
The session, the IGF and the IGC should all encourage folk to participate in
these policy making institutions by doing capacity building about their
Please bottom trim your mails. This is one of the first thing one learns in
these policy making institutions!!
$ whois -h whois.afrinic.net mctim
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