[governance] GAID Action Session, February 28, 2007, Mountain View, CA USA

Sylvia Caras Sylvia.Caras at gmail.com
Sat Mar 10 12:46:43 EST 2007

GAID Action Session, February 28, 2007, Mountain View, CA USA

Innovation Panel

         UN GAID to form working group to promote open ICT ecosystems
         Create "Environment Guidelines" to promote ICT and 
innovative entrepreneurs

VC Panel

         Support quality, financially sustainable mentoring of 
entrepreneurs to make "Investor Ready"
         UN GAID to promote and publish best practices for ecosystem 
to support and scale innovation

Content Panel

         Take ALL UN and development agency publications available 
online and free of charge
         Open access to communication -
                 Bring into Telecenter FPI
         Bring together KEY content providers
                 Form a network of Silicon Valley organizations to 
generate a common platform (UN GAID to catalyze)  
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