[governance] IGC sponsored IGF workshops

Meryem Marzouki marzouki at ras.eu.org
Wed Jun 20 17:30:46 EDT 2007

Hi Karen, and all,

Le 20 juin 07 à 20:03, karen banks a écrit :

> quote from meryem:
> [...]
>> The question remains: would members of this caucus agree that its
>> coordinators approach the secretariat to discuss such a proposal.
> i'm sorry if i've missed something here..  is the intent to  
> approach the IGF secretariat to guage whether this is something  
> that might be interesting? and then proceed?  if people thanks  
> that's useful, why not?

It's rather about approaching the secretariat to co-sponsor this  
workshop with IGC, as it would be the solution to the - suspected -  
difficulty to obtain any co-sponsoring from other stakeholders, with  
the risk of this supposedly "objective" criterion of mandatory MS  
sponsorship being applied. Actually, I don't think the proposal is  
less controversial than e.g. critical internet resources. And I infer  
from a recent discussion on this list that, since it would be too  
blatantly biased to use the "controversy" criterion, this "objective"  
criterion has been put forward. But they are strictly equivalent in  

APC or any other CS co-sponsorship would be fine and welcome, but  
it'd still be a CS-only proposal. Actually, my opinion is that it  
would be better that IGC be the only CS co-sponsor, to show that it's  
a true common CS concern (which doesn't mean that we have a unique  
understanding of IGF role's and mandate, simply that we all think  
this issue should be clarified). Moreover, I share Parminder's  
opinion that the secretariat itself should organize it, alone, and  
that IGC initiating this process is the only way to overcome the  
secretariat's failure.

> otherwise, it's more who would be involved in developing the  
> workshop proposal

I can try to propose a first draft description in the following days,  
but have first to check what the caucus already provided as comments  
on the issue: best to start with already agreed text.

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