[governance] IGF workshops
parminder at itforchange.net
Fri Jun 15 07:44:07 EDT 2007
> But I am surprised you don't mention critical Internet resources.
Just a little hesitation before one touches the forbidden subject :)
On a more serious note, I have been thinking of a workshop to link to this
main theme but haven't been able to get the details worked out. I have
initiated an initial discussion on this with some CS groups. The idea is of
a generic discussion on 'governance of critical internet resources from a
public interest or commons and public-ness of Internet principle', with some
presenters coming in with some specific ideas. (I know everyone will claim
that these resources have always been governed with a public interest
perspective, and so we need to expand what particular kind of public
interest is implied.)
The idea is to propose some alternative/ additional frameworks that
emphasize a commons based approach (I understand Brazil cctld is so managed
and I have requested Carlos if he can make a presentation of it) or a more
public-ness of the Internet approach as contrasted to a highly
commercialized, private sector interests heavy approach of a marketplace,
with no other specific public interest considerations. I know there has been
some history on public interest tlds, which I still have to plug into....
But I am in contact with at least one group who is working on this kind of a
concept, in exploring practical options for this.
We at IT for Change have been thinking of possibilities of a .publicdomain
or .pd kind of tld on which, unlike the present default copyright law, all
content is by default in public domain through a simple contract agreement
while taking up space in the tld. This will help develop a commons and
provide a 'rich and accessible public domain' (the words of a recent WIPO
resolution )in the digital space, which cannot be captured by creating rent
seeking positions once the spaces hosting public domain content become very
popular... as most user created content platforms tend to get usurped at
present. (there are many other justifications for such a public domain space
on the internet as well).
The above are some very early thought, and may have conceptual gaps which
need to be worked out. Sorry for the detour...
Back to the workshop ideas, yes we must have workshops on the critical
internet resources theme - ideas are welcome.
Parminder Jeet Singh
IT for Change, Bangalore
Bridging Development Realities and Technological Possibilities
Tel: (+91-80) 2665 4134, 2653 6890
Fax: (+91-80) 4146 1055
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam Peake [mailto:ajp at glocom.ac.jp]
> Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 2:08 PM
> To: governance at lists.cpsr.org; Parminder
> Subject: Re: [governance] IGF workshops
> Parminder: good suggestion.
> None of the following has yet been discussed on
> the advisory group list, my opinion only:
> My guess is demand for workshops will be higher
> this year -- IGF's better known and more will
> notice it's an opportunity (free) to put on a
> workshop in a quite prominent space. Workshops
> will have an audience of between 200-300 people
> so are quite large events in their own right.
> Last year all workshop proposals were accepted.
> The schedule was adjusted so this was possible
> (workshops held over lunch, which was not
> originally planned) A few on the same theme were
> asked to merge (but that's reasonable, yes?)
> Some that better met the criteria
> (multistakeholder organization, relevance to the
> main themes) were given a choice of times or
> perhaps a larger room, but all could be accepted.
> If demand for workshops is greater than the
> number of available slots --even after merging of
> like themes-- then it will be necessary to reject
> some. I think demand may well exceed supply.
> Most likely group to do this accepting/rejecting
> is the advisory group. And I suspect the first
> criteria for judging proposals will be if the
> workshop has a real multistakeholder organizing
> team behind it. Proposals from the caucus will
> be good, certainly would show broad civil society
> support, but involving other stakeholders will be
> essential. Regional diversity also positive.
> Just my opinion.
> I do not believe "controversial" topics will be
> rejected simply because some might consider them
> controversial. Last year there were two workshop
> proposals on DNS related topics. Both had
> multi-stakeholder organizers, they were accepted,
> and to the best of my memory during advisory
> group discussions neither were challenged at any
> time for any reason.
> Working on details of criteria for workshops
> would have been the type of issue the advisory
> group discussed had it met in a closed session
> last month. Just not easy to get into detail in
> an open session. So the process is behind on
> issues such as this.
> About the themes and number of proposals the
> caucus might work on. The deadline is 30 June
> 2007. The caucus is not very good at reaching
> decisions. I suggest that the three you suggest:
> (1) Global Internet Public Policy - Issues and Institutions
> (2) Global Internet policies Impacting Access, etc
> (3) The Role and Mandate of the IGF.
> will likely be more than we can manage. If there
> is be competition for slots, solid proposals will
> be necessary.
> Given Bill's comment that he's developing a
> proposal on development agenda and tieing it to
> giganet etc, I suggest the caucus focus on 1 and
> 3. It will be a lot of work for you and
> Vittorio to coordinate.
> I wouldn't expand into Access etc. Let CS groups
> expert on the area do a job without confusion of
> the caucus' "consensus". And I think privacy
> safe with the coalition (Ralf Bendrath etc.)
> But I am surprised you don't mention critical Internet resources.
> Adam
> At 10:21 AM +0530 6/15/07, Parminder wrote:
> >Hi
> >
> >I want to re-state my proposal that IGC does some workshops at IGF. It
> will
> >serve both to push our substantive agenda, and to enhance the profile of
> >IGC. I had earlier proposed three themes for workshops. All these are
> from
> >our agreed priorities for IGF agenda (as per our input to May IGF
> >consultations).
> >
> >These are
> >
> >(1) Global Internet Public Policy - Issues and Institutions
> >
> >(2) Global Internet policies Impacting Access to and Effective Use of the
> >Internet by Disadvantaged People and Groups - The Development Agenda in
> IG
> >(this can also build on the giganet session on a similar theme)
> >
> >(3) The Role and Mandate of the IGF.
> >
> >I am not sure we will be able to sponsor all three. But the third one -
> role
> >and mandate of the IGF - was suggested by some as a workshop theme. It
> also
> >becomes important in terms of financing IGF discussions on this list
> these
> >last few days. I think we must try to organize this workshop on behalf of
> >IGC, and find partners for it.
> >
> >We should also look at doing another workshop on access/ development
> agenda
> >in IG - in view of repeated assertions that access is the most important
> >issue. This depends on whether we choose to do one workshop or two.
> >
> >There isnt much time, and we need to first get an agreement here (which
> can
> >be built over the agreement already reached on importance of these themes
> >last month), then get partners and then get a workshop proposal done. We
> can
> >also to try to this non-linearly, but still there isnt much time. I
> request
> >inputs on this issue. Thanks
> >
> >Parminder
> >
> >________________________________________________
> >Parminder Jeet Singh
> >IT for Change, Bangalore
> >Bridging Development Realities and Technological Possibilities
> >Tel: (+91-80) 2665 4134, 2653 6890
> >Fax: (+91-80) 4146 1055
> >www.ITforChange.net
> >
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