[governance] IGF financing
Robert Guerra
lists at privaterra.info
Wed Jun 13 23:39:30 EDT 2007
let's not forget that the government of Canada announced at the last
IGF open consultation that they were contributing 100, 000 dollars
exclusively for IGF fellowships . Perhaps not picked up on this list,
but something that is significant.
At today's exchange rate, that is approx 93,670 USD or 70,381.264
€ . If only other govts did the same we'd have funds not only for
participation but also for a slightly larger secretariat.
Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.ca>
Managing Director, Privaterra
Tel +1 416 893 0377
On 13-Jun-07, at 3:43 AM, William Drake wrote:
> Hi,
> On 6/11/07 6:44 PM, "Bertrand de La Chapelle"
> <bdelachapelle at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Anyway, I'd be happy to learn what your own preference would be,
>> what concrete solution you favor : just governments ? or just the
>> UN ? or just some international organizations ? The key question
>> is, again : what is the appropriate financing structure for the
>> IGF in order to guarantee regularity of resources and independence
>> from lobbies and pressure groups ? Can we address this issue
>> calmly, with the attention it deserves ?
> ------
> According to this news item from yesterday, www.theregister.co.uk/
> 2007/06/12/igf_nominet_2007/
> “Kummer has spent much of the last six months trying to win more
> funding. At a meeting at Parliament last week, hosted by Nominet,
> the not-for-profit which operates the .uk registry, the Department
> of Trade and Industry announced it had found £23,000 down the back
> of its sofas (the Swiss government has donated $500,000).”
> 174 states & the EU signed off on the Tunis Agenda creating the
> IGF. If just ten more could find some chump change in their sofas
> (equivalent to about a nanosecond of their foreign affairs budgets,
> or maybe one cocktail break at the G8), we (taxpayers all---to two
> countries in the case of us unfortunate US expats) wouldn’t need to
> have this conversation, the IGF could have something more like a
> secretariat, and Markus could refocus his energies. To me the
> question is not can we shake micropayments out of individual
> taxpayers and financially marginal NGOs, but rather what sort of
> game are the governments playing here.
> Two cents,
> Bill
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