[governance] Re: [WSIS CS-Plenary] ECOSOC reviewing WSIS follow up and implementation: CSTD, UNGIS, ALF, IGF, GAID

Renate Bloem rbloem at ngocongo.org
Thu Jul 26 13:20:05 EDT 2007

Oops, for previous


Dear Bertrand, Parminder and all,


Below statement was given yesterday and was met with quite some interest
from many governments. The red is what I added orally.






Report of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development

Report of the Secretary General on the activities of GAID


Items 7 (f) and 13 (b)


25 July 2007


Mr. President 

Distinguished Delegates, 


The UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development held in May 2007
its first session since its successful review by the Economic and Social
Council one year ago. For the first time in a subsidiary body of ECOSOC, it
was decided that an intergovernmental body would take into account the
multi-stakeholder approach, as confirmed by ECOSOC decisions 2007/215 and
2007/216. It implied evolutions in the working methods of the Commission, in
particular regarding NGO participation in the Commission’s proceedings. 

Among the good examples observed during the 10th session of the CSTD, I
would like to refer to the one day joint event organised by CSTD and the
Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID), which brought views from
multiple categories of stakeholders involved in harnessing the use of ICT to
accelerate the UN development agenda. It also included the oral
participation of all stakeholders in plenary meetings of the CSTD as well as
in informal meetings. It finally consisted of various interactions and
consultations between the CSTD Bureau and representatives of non
governmental observers. These good practices should be maintained and


-        In particular, NGOs and other observers should be reserved a
specific amount of time to address the CSTD Plenary at each of its segments
or interactive discussion and under each substantive theme and agenda item
as they are taken up by the CSTD. It could in that sense become inspired by
the experience gained during the WSIS process in terms of arrangements for
NGO participation. 


-        As proposed by several non State actors during the CSTD session, a
format such as a multi-stakeholder advisory group could be considered as a
permanent structure working through electronic devices to assist and advice
the CSTD Bureau and the CSTD Secretariat, even in the intersession period. 


-        As a prerequisite, it is also fundamental that predictability in
the organisation of its segments be increased to better attract
issue-related specialists and gain higher expertise from civil society and
private sector observers.


-        We welcome paragraph 12 of ECOSOC resolution 2006/46, requesting
that “future sessions of the Commission will increasingly be conducted in
the form of interactive dialogue”, and in line with the last recommendation
of the draft resolution proposed by the CSTD for adoption by the Council, we
also support that the working methods of the Commission be articulated
around focused and itemised interactive segments, following
multi-stakeholder principle at the discretion of the CSTD Chairperson in
offering the floor. 


Reporting to CSTD


The 2007 CSTD Resolution proposed for adoption by the Council addresses the
crucial issue of reporting patterns between the WSIS multi-stakeholder
implementation process and the system wide follow up to the CSTD. The
establishment of such an articulation between the implementation process and
the system wide follow up is a significant positive and welcomed step. This
will support the reporting process to be performed by the UN Secretary
General to the CSTD. Action Line facilitation meetings proved to be an
important space for progress tracking and sharing knowledge and good
practice. Efforts should be continued by international organisations
facilitating this process in terms of outreach to all relevant actors from
all categories of stakeholders.



In this context allow me, Mr. President, to mention the concerns of the WSIS
CS Working Group on Financing for Development and I quote their concerns and

“The Geneva Plan of action implementation has been structured along specific
Action Lines. However, they lack clear priorities. 

*        Regarding the e-science action line, there should be more synergy
between the old and new mandate of CSTD.

*        The governance part of the Tunis Agenda is implemented through the
specific mechanism of the Internet Governance Forum, while the financial
part of the Tunis agenda has been left as an orphan without care, without
direction, without specific implementation or integration in any of the
follow-up mechanisms. Therefore, it is suggested, in order to recover some
symmetry with the Geneva process that the ECOSOC should constitute
Assessment Lines facilitated by specific UN agencies and other
organizations, within similar rules of procedures and practices.

The proposed four post-WSIS Assessment Lines could be:

*        A1:       Official Development Assistance ODA ( UNDP, World Bank,

*        A2:       Multi-stakeholder Partnerships ( UNCTAD, ITU )

*        A3:       Innovative Financial Mechanisms ( UNCTAD, DSF )

*        A4:       Infrastructure and International Interconnection costs (
ITU, UNCTAD, a representative body of the African Union, e.g. ATU )
Facilitators and co-facilitators have been suggested on a exploratory basis,
and CSTD could select other facilitators as appropriate.” End of quote. More
info can be obtained from the WG. 




WSIS implementation activities should be encouraged to use a common template
for reporting to the CSTD Secretariat. In any event, the CSTD should not
devote its meeting time to repeat the stock-taking exercise, but only
concentrate on the review and assessment task as defined in its mandate. 


Enhanced Cooperation


Mr. President,


Let me also briefly mention some concerns of the CS Internet Governance
Caucus with reference to the relevant part in the Secretary General's report
to the ECOSOC which mentions that "consultations are under way to start a
process towards enhanced cooperation among all relevant stakeholders with
regard to Internet governance, as requested by the Summit". In this respect
it is pertinent to note that Para 71 of the Tunis Agenda also clearly states
that: "the process towards enhanced cooperation ...will involve all

In the following I quote the CS Internet Governance Caucus:


“The Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus notes with concern that the
letter and spirit of the WSIS multi-stakeholder principles do not appear to
have been applied in relation to the processes around 'enhanced
cooperation'for Internet Governance. In spite of directly requesting
information of the SG's office regarding the process, through our letter
dated 29th January, 2007, addressed to SG's Special Advisor on WSIS, civil
society groups have neither received information about, nor been invited to
or involved in consultations, in any way to date.


The caucus, along with other civil society groups, has consistently
demonstrated it's commitment to contribute constructively to the WSIS
follow-up process, a commitment which extends to all elements of the
process, including that of enhanced cooperation.


We request that the United Nations, ECOSOC, and all other parties ensure
that the enhanced cooperation process is conducted in a manner that is fully
consistent with the principles of transparency and multi-stakeholder
participation set forth in the Tunis Agenda. All information about
consultation processes for enhanced cooperation should be provided in a
timely and transparent manner to all stakeholders, as well as modalities
ensured for their participation in all processes, including of initial
consultations and developing the initial agenda and format for enhanced


In order to ensure participation of an appropriately wide range of civil
society in this process, it would be useful to include formal consultations
on enhanced cooperation during, or around, the Information Society week
events in May as well as encourage informal meetings during events such as
the Internet Governance Forum.” End of quote





Report of the Secretary General on the activities of GAID


CONGO supports the engagement of all categories of stakeholders in the work
realized by the Global Alliance for ICT and Development. As a catalyser for
multi-stakeholder and action oriented partnerships and as a
multi-stakeholder platform for cross-sectoral policy dialogue, with the view
to harness the use of ICTs towards achieving the UN development agenda,
including the MDGs, GAID is also a very innovative and significant tool to
support the achievement of the WSIS outcomes. 


In this context, civil society, due to its diversity of perspective and
expertise, has a major role to play and can bring to GAID a very significant
added value. One of the priorities of GAID would be to continue to find
means to have a greater involvement from those who work from the grassroots
communities and those in contact with the use of ICT on the ground, with the
view to better and more directly access their needs, knowledge and
experience. To that end, the bottom-up and inclusive approaches should be
strengthened in the GAID decision taking process. The involvement of
additional groups of partners, such as more traditional development
practitioners and major foundations, could also be considered in the up
coming year. 


One year after its launch, GAID has achieved many very positive steps,
including in becoming one of the multi-stakeholder processes feeding into
the CSTD. However, as I said already in my statement on the 19th, the GAID
should not be considered as the only multi-stakeholder process of the CSTD,
but only as one of them. CONGO and a number of civil society entities are
ready to continue to work with the GAID Secretariat to consolidate this
initiative and to strengthen the sense of community among its members and


I thank you for your attention and for giving me this opportunity to speak.







Renate Bloem
President of the Conference of NGOs (CONGO)
11, Avenue de la Paix
CH-1202 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 301 1000
Fax: +41 22 301 2000
E-mil:  <mailto:rbloem at ngocongo.org> rbloem at ngocongo.org
Website:  <http://www.ngocongo.org/> www.ngocongo.org




The Conference of NGOs (CONGO) is an international, membership association
that facilitates the participation of NGOs in United Nations debates and
decisions. Founded in 1948, CONGO's major objective is to ensure the
presence of NGOs in exchanges among the world's governments and United
Nations agencies on issues of global concern.  For more information see our
website at  <http://www.ngocongo.org/> www.ngocongo.org


From: Parminder [mailto:parminder at itforchange.net] 
Sent: jeudi, 26. juillet 2007 12:46
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org; 'Bertrand de La Chapelle';
plenary at wsis-cs.org
Cc: congo at ngocongo.org
Subject: RE: [governance] Re: [WSIS CS-Plenary] ECOSOC reviewing WSIS follow
up and implementation: CSTD, UNGIS, ALF, IGF, GAID


Thanks Bertrand for this information. EU’s input is appreciated. I think
this statement on record is quite useful. I am sure CONGO will use it, if,
as was the plan, its statement is not already made. Parminder 



Parminder Jeet Singh

IT for Change, Bangalore

Bridging Development Realities and Technological Possibilities 

Tel: (+91-80) 2665 4134, 2653 6890

Fax: (+91-80) 4146 1055

 <http://www.itforchange.net/> www.ITforChange.net 


From: Bertrand de La Chapelle [mailto:bdelachapelle at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 3:55 PM
To: plenary at wsis-cs.org
Cc: governance at lists.cpsr.org; congo at ngocongo.org
Subject: Re: [governance] Re: [WSIS CS-Plenary] ECOSOC reviewing WSIS follow
up and implementation: CSTD, UNGIS, ALF, IGF, GAID


Dear all,

Just to let you know that this point regarding the paragraph in the SG's
report was also of concern for governments, including France. 

Accordingly, the EU statement in the Ecosoc Session regarding the CSTD
contains the following paragraph : 

"The EU also welcomes the joint CSTD-GAID (Global Alliance for ICT and
Development) panel discussion of last May 22nd. We encourage GAID to
continue providing its valuable input, amongst other stakeholders, to the
WSIS follow-up in the CSTD."

In UN-speak, this clearly is intended to underscore that the GAID is not the
sole channel for multi-stakeholder participation in the work of the CSTD
regarding WSIS follow-up. 

If this statement has already been made by the EU presidency, I encourage a
reference to it in Congo's intervention. The french delegation is a good
contact if needed. 



Bertrand de La Chapelle
Délégué Spécial pour la Société de l'Information / Special Envoy for the
Information Society 
Ministère des Affaires Etrangères / French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tel : +33 (0)6 11 88 33 32

"Le plus beau métier des hommes, c'est d'unir les hommes" Antoine de Saint
("there is no better mission for humans than uniting humans") 

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