[governance] Re: Linda's statement

Izumi AIZU iza at anr.org
Tue Jan 30 01:29:35 EST 2007

I am glad that I was wrong - with Avri's extra effort, now all the
are on the website:


There are two additions, Linda's and Willie's and just a minor
modification of Wolfgang's.

Nomcom will be working hard to chatch up.

Many thanks, especially to Avri!


2007/1/30, Izumi AIZU <aizu at anr.org>:
> Hi,
> As Avri is now on the road and has little time working on the web-site,
> I am fowarding the statement from Linda sent to me two days ago.
> Sorry for the delay ;-).
> Thanks,
> izumi
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: l. d. misek-falkoff <ldmisekfalkoff at gmail.com >
> Date: 2007/01/28 13:53
> Subject: Fwd: 01-27-07 vers. rr to correct hidden text inclusion, WORD
> combined with GMAIL.
> To: Izumi AIZU aizu at anr.org
>  *- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
> * *
> *Application to Appeals Team *
> *representing Older WomEn in the field *
> *(here, continuosly since 1950's )*.
> *I.  Foreground Application and re prior and present contexts. *
> I have the honor and pleasure to apply for the IGF Appeals Team or other
> functions in IGF as an older woman who has been a systems builder,
> professor, programmer and author, as well as user of computers for 50 years.
> In multi-disciplinary venues, emphasis has been on integrating /
> interconnecting / interfacing  and when possible 'balancing' the interests
> of diverse stakeholders, or actors, in varied fora, which in addition to
> directly ICT activities has included the taking of formal appeals in legal
> and court contexts concerning cyber-interactions. This activity consistently
> involves acknowledging different sorts of interests of different sorts of
> (here) *netizens* and indeed cultures, groups, and individuals broadly,
> striving for clear conversations and a shared sense of fairness.
>  My work at the United Nations is now gathered under the *Respectful
> Interfaces* Programme of the Communications Coordination Committee for the
> United Nations (CCC/UN), of which I am an Officer and serve on the Board,
> while representing other organizations and causes as well at the U.N.
> I hope that having on the team a person present throughout the very
> interesting eras of computers coming into society over a half century will
> merge well with the varied types of expertise so valued in the IGF and civil
> society at large. I am very much interested in issues which arise when even
> though high interest, industry, and application of effort has culminated in
> decision making, there still may be issue-spotting opportunities through
> opportunities of "appeal," so that all voices are heard and where feasible
> decisions can be revisited and retuned both for justice and
> pragmatic progress.
> I hope that in addition to computing, education, and arts in background
> and foreground, my legal work in the appeal area from lower to highest
> courts especially regarding rights and duties in cyberspace will bring some
> different perspectives as well; I am still active in these fields on policy
> and practice bases. I have keen interest in human rights issues and
> e-activity including intersections of 'freedom of expression' with other
> actor concerns for example in contexts of   'online defamation' and other
> individual-and-group-impacting C*ybeTorts* inclusively.
> I participated on-site as well as online in WSIS (Geneva and Tunis) and
> IF-I Athens, where I both formally and informally presented on and discussed
> multi-stakeholder dialogue from the perspective of * The Respectful
> Interfaces Programme*   at the U.N.  As a side-note, my own difficulties
> navigating some of these physical territories for a person with mobility
> disabilities might even have a bearing on issues of inclusiveness and
> foresight so far as Rio and other future venues are concerned and such
> issues could rise to matters of appeal and review in the IGF.
> *II. Extended (More Detailed) Background for NOMCOM Committee.*
> In the 1950's computers were coming and as a society we had to adjust from
> multi-stakeholder perspectives. How would computers affect the Sciences and
> the Arts, and their interactions?
>  In the 1960's, I completed joint doctorates in computing and humanities,
> published and participated within ARPANet contours, and innovated / invented
> methods of literary and linguistic studies, bridging at that time very
> diverse communities with varying goals and modes of access and anticipating
> text and document management in future legal, medical, and other fields of
> "IT" purpose driven applications. I also served as Research Associate in
> fields of Electronic Medical Record Management, forerunner of present
> systems so burgeoning today and presenting copious ethical issues as well as
> technical ones. *My Context Concordance to Paradise Lost* on 'inter-actor'
> Social Network basis was consulted in the setting up of now well known Bible
> Concordances.
> In the 1970's, I first taught computing in education, medicine, law,
> psychology, literature, and other fields at the college and university
> level. In industry I had and completed the assignment to design, code,
> implement, document, and maintain the first "markup tags" for GML,
> forerunner of HTML for web design; we also had versions of xml like systems;
> our purpose was to provide meanings-based as contrasted to local
> formatting-based tools for publication.
> In this period, I began to participate in legal fora involving computers
> and social impact, taking early internet related cases to the U.S. Supreme
> Court including in the new areas of *Cybertorts* (coinage) and varied
> issues on '*rights and duties'* in electronic domains, performing the
> legal and social research, writing and submitting collaboratively with
> others, and serving in community support groups for people going through
> courts – a multi-actor venue of renown. During the period my pain
> disabilities brought me into multiple communities of support online as well
> as in-person collaboration.
> In the 1990's, I was engaged in human rights areas of computer
> applications still as analyst, programmer, and educator   And as the
> research assistant while in law school, for Blaine Sloan's 1991 seminal text
> *United Nations General Assembly Resolutions in Our Changing World*(Transnational Press) I worked through the legal department at
> U.N. Headquarters and now have returned there in civil society mode.* *
> In this new century I have served on the Steering Committee of the *International
> Disability Caucus for the Convention on Rights of Persons With Disabilities
> *(representing the "Coordination of Singular Organizations on Disability"
> (CSPD)  – as well as founding Persons with Pain Intl. (PWPI)),
> participated in WSIS (Geneva, Tunis) and IFG (Athens). I am documenting   a
> half century in computing presently, the adventures, the waves of social and
> cultural advances and multiple issues of universal access and participation,
> and inviting others to submit mini chapters on their own experiences. I
> serve as Officer and Board Member of The Communications Coordination for the
> U.N., represent the U.S. Burn Support Organization, am appointed
> Communications Coordinator of the World Democracy Movement, and serve on
> Education, Disability, Rights, and Planning Committees at the U.N. in New
> York as well as continuing to liaise with other NGOs affiliated with the
> U.N. and elsewhere.  I maintain a keen interest in human rights issues and
> ICT, and applications of traditional legal concepts and remedies to the
> realms of cyberspace, and at large, emphasizing inclusion and rich network
> principles and hands-on practice.
> *III. Selected Multi-Disciplinary Documentary-Addenda (with currently
> active URLS) **:*
> *A.     *(historical review pro tem, email):  linda
> @2007ismy50thyearincomputingandIamawoman.COM = contact email address re
> project being developed to encourage other women and people in general to
> interconnect, share their stories. Part of account only is re ldmf; other
> Parts are re, Others). Respectful_interfaces at gmail.com ,
> ldmisekfalkoff at gmail.com , and secretary at cccu.org are other e-addys.
> * *
> *B. Some referencing website URLS presently:*
> Early Professorial Mentoring:
> http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/Home.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=RecordDetails&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED110094&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=eric_accno&objectId=0900000b800fa132
> " *From Poetry to Politics: Vassar Freshmen Concord Watergate* ."
> Software Engineering and Systems Design:
> http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=800504&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CFTOKEN=2222222
>     " *The new field of "Software Linguistics": An early-bird view (itself
> has cites to other publications, ARPANet forward) **."*
> Chairing of Conferences, etc.:
> http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=800508 *"A unification of Halstead's
> Software Science counting rules for programs and English text, and a claim
> space approach to extensions Joint International Conference on Measurement
> and Modeling of Computer Systems". *
> * *
> http://portal.acm.org/results.cfm?coll=Portal&dl=Portal&CFID=12779189&CFTOKEN=57882922
>   *(LDMF Co-Chair). SCORE82: Software Metrics Intl. Conference. *
> Electronic Publication Field, Discourse and Text Analysis and Synthesis:
> http://comppile.tamucc.edu/RWPN/rwpn5.5pp14-27.pdf    "*Computing Text
> Mark-Up and Speech Acts. Architecture of Publication tagging, early forecast
> of xml like user entry point systems" *.
> http://portal.acm.org/toc.cfm?id=1041391&idx=J958&type=issue&coll=GUIDE&dl=ACM&part=journal&WantType=Journals&title=ACM%20SIGLASH"
> * CONCORDIAD" verse documenting state of art of literary data processing,
> social perspectives, state(s) of the art(s).*
> http://www.springerlink.com/content/16x0m4j72l043kg8/   *LDM, Context
> Concordance to **Paradise** Lost **(social network, multi-actor network
> analysis). *
> Computing and Law / Society / Values:
> http://mail.fsfeurope.org/pipermail/wsis-pct/2005-December/001054.html   *CYBERTORTS
> Artificial Intelligence, cited in content and for programming of
> publication markup systems:
> http://suo.ieee.org/suo-kif/msg00029.html *John Sowa's Conceptual
> Structures, Addison Wesley, Scientific Series* .
> Decisional Research done at United Nations with Legal Department in
> Conjunction with Law School and seminal text of esteemed Professor Blaine
> Sloan, 35 years at the U.N.:
> http://www.transnationalpubs.com/showbook.cfm?bookid=10148 *United Nations
> General Assembly Resolutions in Our Changing World, Transnational Press **(ldmf
> among acknowledgments; follow ups in progress)*.
> Participation in Human Rights Treaty Meetings and Formulations in person
> and online:
> http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/enable/rights/ahc7sideevents.htm *Onsite and
> elsewhere  in whole sequence of AdHoc and related Meetings, Convention on
> the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; non-formal graphic archivalist,
> member Steering Committee of The International Disability Caucus,
> participant in various aspects of ACCESS issues *.
> http://www.cardfountain.com/ecards/photo-cards/index.php?pid=1065419-0&pu=1
> *Poster, **Madrid** , **Spain **Resolution - International Disability
> Caucus Convening.*
> *Respectful Interfaces* Programme of The Communications Coordination
> Committee For the United Nations (NGO):
> http://www.google.com/search?q=%22respectful+Interfaces%22&num=100&hl=en&newwindow=1&rls=HPIA,HPIA:2006-30,HPIA:en&filter=0
> *Google 'moving target' - examples.*
> Rights-based and societal values based topics:
> http://mail.fsfeurope.org/pipermail/wsis-pct/2005-December/001054.html  *Example
> re Cyber-Torts.*
> General computer law reference illustration:
> http://mishpat.net/cyberlaw/archive/cyberlaw57.shtml *Professional
> cross-referencing.*
> RECOMMENDATIONS etc. re Internet Governance Bodies:
> http://www.wsis-cs.org/igfnominees.shtml?slice_id=3e640adb2506b8421b3f31232657571b&sh_itm=74e13b9344ccc967de34c41711c1bfa7
> *ICT Panel /   Board **Candidacy illustration* .
> DATA BASE AND QUERY SYSTEMS, including "relational":
> *
> http://portal.acm.org/results.cfm?coll=Portal&dl=Portal&CFID=12779189&CFTOKEN=57882922
> **"Data Base and Query Systems: New and Simple Ways to Gain Multiple Views
> of the Patterns in Text. *"
> WSIS-II / SMSI (Thus) Paper and In Person Presentation re importance of
> multi-stakeholder participation in all phases of ICT and broadly:
> http://www.dinf.ne.jp/doc/english/prompt/051115_18wsis.html
> *"The Joyous Imperatives of R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Both as a Theme and a Tool or
> Technology for Full Multi-Stakeholder Inclusion in Information and
> Communication Networks Both Now and in the Future. Highlighting the Key
> Roles of Persons with Disabilities in Collaborative Contexts World-Wide."
> *
> Present Planning and Organizational Functions:
> http://www.ngocongo.org/index.php?what=pag&id=10241

                      >> Izumi Aizu <<

             Institute for HyperNetwork Society
             Kumon Center, Tama University
                             * * * * *
              << Writing the Future of the History >>
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