[governance] Action on Enhanced Cooperation, please

Avri Doria avri at psg.com
Sat Jan 13 16:03:22 EST 2007


while i appreciate politeness in letters, and signing of with  
something polite is always a good thing regardless of whether one is  
addressing government types or simple people, i would like to caution  
against acting too much like the diplomats or in catering too much to  
their style.

one of the things that is special about the IGF is that is is a  
coming together of many communities, each with their own style.  i  
personally believe that the more we try to imitate the behavior  
patterns of the governments, the more we weaken our case.

another problem i have with statements like these is the implicit  
indication that there is the possibility that there were conditions  
under which we would not continue to play constructively.  certainly  
whenever i read something like this, i immediately see the opposing  
unstated threat.

i think a simple terminating 'thank you' should be sufficient.


On 13 jan 2007, at 14.35, michael_leibrandt at web.de wrote:

> hi there,
> sorry for jumping into the letter discussion at this stage, but  
> baring in mind
> the language a former un guy like nitin is used to, i would  
> strongly suggest
> that - after the somewhat police inquiry type of wording in (a) and  
> (b) - the
> letter should close with a positive and constructive sentence like
> "we would like to reasure you our continued willingness and  
> readiness to
> substantially contribute to this important part of the inclusive  
> wsis follow up
> process".
> michael
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