[governance] Next IGF consultations

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Mon Jan 8 10:18:24 EST 2007

At 4:11 PM +0100 1/8/07, Ralf Bendrath wrote:
>Vittorio Bertola wrote:
>>it's just one month to Feb 13, the first IGF-07 consultation,
>Thanks for reminding us.
>>- dynamic coalitions: how they work, what do we do with the outputs etc
>Does anybody know if there will be some space and time for dynamic 
>coalitions to have meetings of their members and maybe even get some 
>work done? Like half a day or even a full day back-to-back with the 

This hasn't been raised in the advisory group. I will ask.  My guess 
is UN space would be very tight, Markus was having trouble confirming 
the dates for the consultations (remember to took a while to confirm 
the February dates.)  Doesn't hurt to ask.

Would rooms at lunch on Feb 13 be better than nothing?


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