[governance] UNDP-APDIP Releases a Study of Pro-Poor e-Governance Projects in India

christine christine at apdip.net
Mon Jan 8 00:38:41 EST 2007


Empowering the Poor

Information and Communications Technology for Governance and Poverty
Reduction - A Study of Rural Development Projects in India

Authors: Roger Harris and Rajesh Rajora

(Foreword by Prof. M. S. Swaminathan)
C UNDP-APDIP, Elsevier, 2006
ISBN: 81-312-0629-7


http://www.apdip.net/news/empoweringthepoor to download publication


It is widely believed that, if used appropriately, information and
communications technology (ICT) are effective tools in the fight against
poverty. As India's poverty is deepening and its ICT industry booming, there
are many projects underway that are using ICT to reduce poverty and promote
good governance.


This publication, with a foreword by Prof. M. S. Swaminathan, is the product
of a research study that systematically analyzes 18 projects in India that
use ICT for the benefit of poor people, and provides recommendations on how
ICT can be applied to the massive, widespread and seemingly intractable
problems of poverty. The intention of this research study was to understand
what influences will determine the extent to which projects like these can
be scaled up from what often appears to be a perpetual pilot syndrome;
either to greater use within existing recipient beneficiaries (infusion) or
among wider beneficiary populations (diffusion), or both. Projects were
analyzed and ranked by their relevance, service delivery, community
participation and empowerment, equality in decision-making and benefits,
sustainability, replicability and their prospects for being scaled-up.


This research study is a joint initiative of UNDP-APDIP, UNDP India and the
Government of India's Department of Personnel and Training. It was guided by
an advisory group of eminent researchers and practitioners. Questionnaires
were completed by 2,156 project beneficiaries and interviews were conducted
with project stakeholders and personnel.


The lessons learned from India's experiences can guide the Nation's future
directions, as well as that of other countries. The publication is an ideal
resource not only for government officers, but also development
practitioners and ICT for development researchers.


This publication is part of the trilogy of UNDP-APDIP ICT4D Case Studies.
Other published titles include:


*                     Breaking Barriers: The Potential of Free and Open
Source Software for Sustainable Human Development - A Compilation of Case
Studies from Across the World 


*                     Exploring New Modalities: Experiences with Information
and Communications Technology Interventions in the Asia-Pacific Region - A
Review and Analysis of the Pan-Asia ICT R&D Grants Programme


All UNDP-APDIP publications are available for free download at


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