[governance] remote particpation

Izumi AIZU iza at anr.org
Thu Feb 15 12:13:10 EST 2007

Thanks Avri for all of your thoughtful comment,

As a technical unsophisticated person, I really hope that
any technology used for the next Rio meeting for remote two-way
participation will not take too much burden on the end-user side
at the last minute.  I mean, as much as possible, please use the
proven standard method for the remote participation.

Thanks a lot!


2007/2/15, Avri Doria <avri at psg.com>:
> (writing while i am on contract as a consultant to the IGF secretariat)
> Hi,
> On 13 feb 2007, at 16.31, Izumi AIZU wrote:
> > However, sorry to say, that the quality of the webcast
> > is far from pragmatic, the voice was cut so often that
> > it is not possible to keep the concentration and
> > make good understandings of what is going on.
> As others have pointed out RealPlayer did not work, one needed to use
> VLC.  I am told this was because the (LS)3 folks doing the broadcast
> ( http://streaming.polito.it/ ) had upgraded their software. Actually
> according to the (LS)3 folks RealPlayer would have worked as long as
> TurboPlay was disabled.
> In any case this was discovered at lunch and an announcement was put
> up on the IGF web site.  And while it would have been best if this
> had been made clear at beginning we did not realize it until we got
> the first comment.  Incidentally, the stream was tested at the
> beginning of the meeting, but Chengetai uses VLC and it worked fine.
> I apologize for not thinking to send this list a note about the 'fix'
> after lunch when i first heard about the problem, but then again no
> one on this list mentioned it until near the end of the day.  I was
> tracking email and certainly would have responded if anyone had
> complained sooner.
> So the moral is: complain as soon as it doesn't work - and someone
> will fix it - or at least will try to fix it.
> >
> > I don't mean this is sort of criticism, but just a reality
> > check. I hope the webcast i nRio will be much better
> > in quality
> Yes, and as was  mentioned this is a concern that is being taken very
> seriously.  And the dynamic Coalition is in the position to really
> contribute to making it work. I hope.
> Incidentally, while it is a bit late for two way remote
> participation, recordings of all of yesterday's interventions can be
> found at:
> http://intgovforum.info/audiovisual/MPGLANG1/FEB13_Audio.htm
> a.
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                      >> Izumi Aizu <<

             Institute for HyperNetwork Society
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