[governance] remote particpation
Avri Doria
avri at psg.com
Thu Feb 15 09:09:04 EST 2007
(writing while i am on contract as a consultant to the IGF secretariat)
On 13 feb 2007, at 16.31, Izumi AIZU wrote:
> However, sorry to say, that the quality of the webcast
> is far from pragmatic, the voice was cut so often that
> it is not possible to keep the concentration and
> make good understandings of what is going on.
As others have pointed out RealPlayer did not work, one needed to use
VLC. I am told this was because the (LS)3 folks doing the broadcast
( http://streaming.polito.it/ ) had upgraded their software. Actually
according to the (LS)3 folks RealPlayer would have worked as long as
TurboPlay was disabled.
In any case this was discovered at lunch and an announcement was put
up on the IGF web site. And while it would have been best if this
had been made clear at beginning we did not realize it until we got
the first comment. Incidentally, the stream was tested at the
beginning of the meeting, but Chengetai uses VLC and it worked fine.
I apologize for not thinking to send this list a note about the 'fix'
after lunch when i first heard about the problem, but then again no
one on this list mentioned it until near the end of the day. I was
tracking email and certainly would have responded if anyone had
complained sooner.
So the moral is: complain as soon as it doesn't work - and someone
will fix it - or at least will try to fix it.
> I don't mean this is sort of criticism, but just a reality
> check. I hope the webcast i nRio will be much better
> in quality
Yes, and as was mentioned this is a concern that is being taken very
seriously. And the dynamic Coalition is in the position to really
contribute to making it work. I hope.
Incidentally, while it is a bit late for two way remote
participation, recordings of all of yesterday's interventions can be
found at:
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