[governance] Internet User Summit

Suresh Ramasubramanian suresh at hserus.net
Tue Dec 11 21:28:43 EST 2007

"Inclusiveness" really doesn't cut it.  I am not a fan of participation for
the sake of participation .. usually leads to what I said earlier, expense
paid trips for a lot of petty ministry bureaucrats, or NGO "gravy train"
types .. who go from one conference to another on a series of fellowships,
and then go shopping.


Seen enough of those.  Just like I have seen what happened when a friend of
a friend was addressing Kenyan NGOs on open source and how it can help them,
providing expertise + well designed resources for developing country ICT. He
did have a friend speaking the local language who was sitting at the back of
the audience .. who later told him that most of the local NGOs were like
"what the hell is this Mzungu [white guy] talking about, and why doesn't he
do what the others do, sign a check and get out of here so we can all go
have a beer".


From: Shahid Uddin Akbar [mailto:shahid_ictdpb at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 7:54 AM
To: governance at lists.cpsr.org;
wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de; mueller at syr.edu;
jam at jacquelinemorris.com; yehudakatz at mailinator.com
Subject: Re: [governance] Internet User Summit


Sounds realistic. Make a small working group and let them come up with
strategies and other policy issues. 


how the voice from developing countries will be ensured? pl bring
practioners to have something very critical to reach the broader communities
of potential internet user...





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