[governance] What happened at the NARALO/ALAC/CCNSO?
Jacqueline A. Morris
jam at jacquelinemorris.com
Thu Dec 6 07:46:01 EST 2007
I agree that the ALAC and RALOs (and ALSes and individuals) can (and should
if they feel it important) comment and raise issues with government and
institutional policy that impacts individual internet users.
BUT I still don't see how that becomes a mandatory oversight function
towards a sovereign government.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Danny Younger [mailto:dannyyounger at yahoo.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 15:29
> To: governance at lists.cpsr.org; Jacqueline A. Morris;
> yehudakatz at mailinator.com
> Subject: RE: RE: Re: [governance] What happened at the
> Jacqueline,
> re: "How does ALAC (an administrative group of 10
> people "representing" others (voted by the RALOS) and
> 5 put in by NomCom to "represent" the global
> balance) have an oversight function towards the USG?"
> Let's reframe the question: "Can the ALAC comment on
> matters pertaining to ccTLDs, such as namespace policy
> considerations involved in a possible redelegation, as
> in .US?"
> In my view, in that the ALAC has a liaison to the
> ccNSO (that's you), has commented on the GAC-ccNSO IDN
> questionnaire, and has a remit that is broader than
> merely a focus on gTLDs, it should be able to comment
> on such matters.
> In potential redelegation situations, RFC 1591 advises
> "It is also very helpful for the IANA to receive
> communications from other parties that may be
> concerned or affected by the transfer."
> By the same token, such concerned parties should feel
> free to communicate with parties to the potential
> transfer (in this case, the USG, Neustar and others
> that entered competitive proposals) to similarly make
> their views known.
> The ALAC and the NARALO chose not to express any views
> to the USG -- they chose a path of non-involvement.
> So we now have a new contract that was issued to
> NeuStar to manage the .us namespace. One feature in
> this contract is the replacement of the former
> transparent multi-stakeholder .us Policy Council with
> a blog, a message board and RSS feeds -- see
> http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/domainname/usca/usTLD2007_17_L_Outreac
> h.pdf
> Perhaps some degree of involvement may have led to a
> different outcome.
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