[governance] What ICANN Do

Karl Auerbach karl at cavebear.com
Thu Dec 6 03:43:51 EST 2007

Kieren McCarthy wrote:

> This could not be further from the truth. The first day you arrive, you are
> taken to the Postel Room ...
> You are then surgically enhanced with a device designed by Vint Cerf ...

Don't forget that Jon, Vint, Steve Crocker, and I all went to the Van 
Nuys High school during the 1960's - so we all drank from the same water 
fountain before we all went on to UCLA.

By-the-way, some trivia: Van Nuys High was used as Ridgemont High in the 
Fast Times At... movie 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_Times_at_Ridgemont_High)  [VNHS was 
also mentioned in the flick "Earth Girls Are Easy".]

But back to the topic at hand - Movies like Airplane 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airplane!) can be fun, that is unless it 
is real life and one is a passenger.  In that sense, ICANN is supposed 
to be piloting the DNS so that it remains technically reliable. 
However, ICANN apparently ate the fish dinner (from the movie) and has 
left the flying of the internet's DNS to Ted, Elaine, Otto, ??, with all 
of us on the net as passengers.


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