[governance] Re: IG questions that are not ICANN [was: Irony]
Milton L Mueller
mueller at syr.edu
Tue Dec 4 00:07:05 EST 2007
Why ask for a seat at the table of an inherently flawed policy process?
ITU's approach is fatally top-down. Even if it (miraculously) gets adopted it won't have any effect on an Internet that operates on the basis of distributed decision making among private networks and users.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: William Drake [mailto:drake at hei.unige.ch]
> Before the ITU's 191 member governments go off and decide on model
> cybercrime legislation that is globally applicable, globally accepted
> minimum security criteria and accreditation schemes, a global framework
> for watch warning and incident response, and a framework for a global
> multi-stakeholder [sic] strategy for international cooperation, it might
> be good if CS people and fellow travelers were to do some work on these
> issues and maybe even ask for a seat at the table. Might this be a role
> for the IGC? Could there be a tie-in to the OECD ministerial as well?
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