[governance] TR: Suggested Guidelines for Nominations Committee - Renewal of GAID Steering Committee

CONGO WSIS - Philippe Dam wsis at ngocongo.org
Wed Aug 22 13:50:27 EDT 2007

Dear all, 


For your information and based on your feedback, I proposed this process to
the 25 CS members of GAID structures. 

It includes most of the comments made so far, while keeping them somewhat

We will try to make this process as simple and as little time-consuming as
possible, given the timelines.

It is of course understood that a nomination process for GAID Strategy
Council membership should be wider and more inclusive.

Thanks for your understanding.






De : CONGO - Philippe Dam [mailto:philippe.dam at ngocongo.org] 
Envoyé : mercredi, 22. août 2007 18:45
À : 'CONGO WSIS - Philippe Dam'; 'GAID-CS'
Cc : 'kayadi at planet.tn'; 'rodrigob at cdi.org.br'; 'bruck at research.at';
'Astrid.Dufborg at gesci.org'; 'hiroshikawamura at attglobal.net';
'jlongmore at dotrust.org'; 'tracey at traceynaughton.com'; 'bnnrc at siriusbb.com';
'st.amour at isoc.org'; 'wanyeki at iconnect.co.ke';
'rinalia at gkpsecretariat.org.my'; 'alain.berranger at gmail.com'; 'iza at anr.org';
'qshatti at safat.kisr.edu.kw'; 'rbissio at chasque.apc.org'; 'dcogburn at syr.edu';
'pape.diouf at iued.unige.ch'; 'drake at hei.unige.ch'; 'ershova at iis.ru';
'anriette at apc.org'; 'gurstein at ADM.NJIT.EDU'; 'akigua at telia.com';
'wolfgang.kleinwaechter at medienkomm.uni-halle.de';
'jrmathia at maxwell.syr.edu'; 'george.sadowsky at attglobal.net';
'Henning.Wegener at t-online.de'; 'titi at mindset.co.za'; 'Renate Bloem'
Objet : Suggested Guidelines for Nominations Committee - Renewal of GAID
Steering Committee
Importance : Haute


Dear all, 


As you know the GAID Secretariat recently circulated a note on the partial
renewal of the membership of the GAID governing structures. In particular,
it was announced that one of the two seats reserved to civil society
representatives in the GAID Steering Committee should be renewed before the
next Steering Meeting taking place in New York on 19 September 2007. The
GAID Secretariat invited civil society to identify nominations from among
their constituencies, through a self-nomination process. 


Timelines for the renewal of Steering Committee membership are as follows:



GAID Steering Committee

Deadline for outgoing members 

to express their interest in a renewal 

of their terms


15 August 2007


Deadline for new nominations for membership 


1 September 2007

Date of the membership renewal 

19 September 2007

New York


Based on the experiences of the CS Nomination Committee for the IGF Advisory
Group and GAID governing structures in the first half of 2006, we proposed
that we use of similar model for this process. However, due to the very
short time available and to the fact that only one seat is going to be
renewed, and in order to increase the representative ownership of the
nomination to be done, we also proposed that a Nominations Committee to
submit a recommendation for the member of the Steering Committee should be
identified among the outgoing civil society members of the GAID Strategy
Council and High Level Panel of Advisors. Those two proposals received
several supports among CS constituencies. 


Selection of the CS Nominations Committee 

Members of the Nominations Committee will preferably have to demonstrate a
long-standing engagement in the Information Society-related processes within
the UN, in particular WSIS, as well as a good experience of civil society
self-organised working processes. 


Out of the 25 civil society members of the Strategy Council and of the High
Level Panel of Advisors (see list attached), at least 5 individuals should
volunteer to serve within the Nominations Committee. The final number of
members of the Nominations Committee could be flexible (preferably between 5
and 10 persons). They would act in their personal capacities. 


Volunteers should announce their wish to participate in the Nominations
Committee no later than Friday 24 August 2007 at 12:00 am GMT. The NomCom’s
final recommendations would have to be forwarded to the GAID Executive
Director no later than 1 September 2007. 


The work of the Nominations Committee would be facilitated by a non-voting
facilitator (I propose my service to serve in that capacity and to use the
CONGO website for more transparency and updates if needed). 



Thanks for your attention. We will try to make it as simple as possible for
volunteers serving in the nominations committee. I’ll circulate some more
information on proposed timelines for identification of candidates and
proposed guidelines for selection tomorrow.

Looking forward to your reactions. 

All the best, 




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