[governance] ICANN public comments on gTLD policy, KTCN Action Alert

Dan Krimm dan at musicunbound.com
Fri Aug 17 23:10:22 EDT 2007

As many of you already know, ICANN is entering the second week of a 3-week
public comment period on the proposed policy for approving new gTLDs,
closing on 30 August.

And many of you also know that NCUC and IP Justice created a public
campaign following the principles expressed in Michael Palage and Avri
Doria's paper "Please, Keep The Core Neutral".

The KTCN campaign has created an Action Alert to encourage public comments
defending core neutrality (with links to ICANN's public comment page, and a
web form that submits comments directly into the ICANN system), found here:


And our press release about the public comment period and the action is here:


Anyone can of course also submit comments independently/directly to ICANN at:

  <gtldfinalreport-2007 at icann.org>

Karl Auerbach started it all off with a nice post before we even launched
the KTCN action (thanks!), and we've had a few posts come through our alert
page since then.  But we're trying to increase the attention while the
comment period is still open.  Many folks here signed our petition to
launch the KTCN coalition (thanks to you too!), and any additional
assistance folks here can provide getting the word out would be great.

And I encourage you to add your own comments, too.  This is a channel for
stakeholder voice separate from our petition, which will be delivered to
the ICANN Board in Los Angeles.  The more the merrier, and the more
personalized the better.


PS -- I know some folks here have expressed doubts about engaging ICANN's
public comment system, because they usually arise with little advance
warning, are open for only a limited period, and are not well promoted to
the general public.  However, KTCN is trying to see whether it is possible
to engage a broader public audience in these policy discussions more
systematically.  Such first-time efforts usually are challenging and take
time to build momentum, but the most effective way to get things going is
to engage existing communities with meaningful collective dynamics.  We
haven't had too bad a start, embarking total obscurity and getting a really
decent group of estimable organizations and individuals to join us, but I'm
hoping that there are enough sympathetic members of this governance-list
community to help move this campaign to a higher level.

Please note that KTCN has a newsletter and public discussion list as well
as an internal coalition discussion list, and while we all have e-list
overload, KTCN doesn't overload its own lists with spurious noise (you can
check the web archives).  So, if you would like to get notifications of
this sort of thing directly from us, I encourage you to sign up.

Dan Krimm
Campaign Director, Keep The Core Neutral

Global Policy Fellow, IP Justice
<dan at ipjustice.org>
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