[governance] Opening ceremony - with no Civil society presence
Nyangkwe Agien Aaron
nyangkweagien at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 08:08:20 EST 2006
The what is the rationale behind inviting all this crowd if they will
not be able to attend fully?.
To solve this situation, I will suggest that there should be some
regional quotas allocated so that each region manages the selection of
her representatives, so as to have an inclusive participation in
future meetings.
A statement like "only friends of an insider group will
be able to attend the session" includes germs of exclusion that should
thoroughly b fought against. What is the rationale behind such
clientelist idea of another age?
On 10/29/06, Robert Guerra <lists at privaterra.info> wrote:
> http://igf2006.info/node/297
> I've just learned that access to the opening ceremony will be - quite -
> restricted.
> Despite being a key stakeholder - NGOs & Civil society will only be
> assigned 100 passes to the session. Such a small number - well, is
> shocking .
> With no clear process nor mechanism defined to allocate and distribute
> passes - one thing will be clear, only friends of an insider group will
> be able to attend the session.
> Thus, the message is clear from the start - there will be an Opening
> ceremony - but with no real Civil society presence.
> So much for a real and effective multi-stakeholder meeting..sigh!
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Aaron Agien Nyangkwe
Journalist/Outcome Mapper
Special Assistant To The President
Tel. 237 337 50 22
Fax. 237 342 29 70
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