[governance] Program for IGC at IGF
William Drake
drake at hei.unige.ch
Fri Oct 20 12:28:49 EDT 2006
There are now about a half dozen threads taking place under the same subject
line, which makes things complicated. This is a message about ' Program for
IGC at IGF'.
Thanks Avri. Couple of questions and comments.
> From: Avri Doria <avri at acm.org>
> - Setting the context: WSIS, the IGC and how we got to the IGF (15
> minutes)
> Presented by former IGC coordinators Adam and Jeanette
> - Status of the IGC today (10 minutes)
> Presented by transition coordinator - Avri
> - Update from MAG and SAG members on IGF AG activities (10 minutes)
> One or two of those nominated by the IGC
> - Q&A with MAG/SAG members (20 minutes)
> Will try to get as may of them on stage for the Q&A
> - Brief overview of CS organized workshops and the goals for the
> workshops (2-5 minutes each)
> CS Workshop organizers
Personally, I'd rather we spent a bit less time listening to people brief us
about the mAG process and workshops and spent more time talking together
about the caucus---past, present, future. This is not to say that the mAG
process and workshops aren't interesting and listening to panelists isn't
fun, but time is really scarce, probably people will want opportunities to
speak (particularly as these seem to be in short supply elsewhere), and
there are some fundamental questions that might get short shrift unless we
make more space for dialogue on them.
For example, from the perspective of bringing newbies up to speed and
reenergizing oldbies, it might be good under "Setting the context" to at
least briefly overview some of the substantive positions the IGC took on key
issues in documents submitted and interventions made during the WSIS and
run-up to IGF, the internal problems we faced in terms of working methods,
and to take stock of what was/wasn't accomplished in terms of impact, what
worked or didn't. In " Status of the IGC today," I'd think we want some
time for people to discuss collectively how they see the role and utility of
the caucus now (particularly given the differences between WSIS and IGF),
what they'd want out of it, etc. I can't see how we do that in a ten minute
segment, a chunk of which would necessarily entail you describing the
charter, voting, etc. Finally, it might be useful to have some space to
discuss substantive issues and what if anything the caucus wishes to
interject into the Athens discussion (the conversation on a position
statement has trailed off....and it's not clear to me where we'd be able to
do this in the program, given the 'audience' role) and what if anything we'd
like to advocate vis IGF between now and Rio.
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