[governance] Results from the charter ballot

Izumi AIZU aizu at anr.org
Thu Oct 5 17:40:39 EDT 2006

True - we got it all by all of us, but that does not undermine your
effort, Avri, to take the dirty work and leadeship, I mean modest
and humble one. That is, really effective. Like our former co-chairs
and co-cordinators. I am really glad that this positive and humble
approach, even at the last minute, produced some good outcome.

Of course, the real challenge for the Civil Society is how to go
from here to there.


> On 5 okt 2006, at 16.38, Veni Markovski wrote:
> > With the existing slow inertia, it's good Avri managed to get the
> > quorum!
> i don't want to seem ungrateful or picky (ok, it may be too late to
> not seem picky), but i did not get the quorum, the IGC got the quorum
> and it was due largely to the many people on this list that not only
> voted but who encouraged others to vote.  i could have nagged all i
> wanted, if the people on this list had not cared, it would not have
> happened.
> thanks
> a.
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                      >> Izumi Aizu <<

             Institute for HyperNetwork Society
             Kumon Center, University of Tama
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