[governance] Re:ICANN DOC: The EU commission's perspective

Jeanette Hofmann jeanette at wz-berlin.de
Tue Oct 3 06:11:56 EDT 2006

> I am puzzled by reading the EU statement. Where exactly is
> the so-called "enhanced cooperation" exit? Is it purely governmental?
> By reading the Tunis below, it says "involving all stakeholders", but
> where is it now?
> I also notice that EU statement does not touch the "IANA contract"
> where US government still has strong role to approve any change of
> the root zone file. This is the heart of the matter, right?

My guess is the European Commission is simply not interested in this 
matter. They are probably offering support to the US as a tradeoff for 
something that really matters to the EU. So, let's hope its worth it...
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