[governance] Update on upcoming IGF consultations

Jeanette Hofmann jeanette at wz-berlin.de
Wed Nov 22 17:38:26 EST 2006

> This is still in the planning stage and the dates won't be confirmed 
> until the end of the year, but I wanted to let people know as early as 
> possible.  As I understand it, the agenda will be rather open and will 
> include topics such as:
> - assessment of the the first IGF
> - recommendations for future IGF meetings both in terms of process and 
> substance
> - discussion regarding the future of the advisory groups

Yes, it would be good if we came up with strong suggestions for overall 
themes and topics. Funding should also be an issue to think about. We 
cannot diversify participation without reliable donations.

> This should give us lots of time to come up with some coherent IGC 
> positions.
> I don't have any info yet on whether there will be a call for 
> contributions, but it would not surprise me if there were.
> a.
> (sometimes consultant to the igf secretariat)
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