[governance] UN Internet Oversight
Jonathan Robin
jonathanrobin at messagerie.net
Mon Nov 6 13:38:29 EST 2006
Just an aside here noting that we seem to have come full circle in the
context of UN Internet Governance oversight,
At Telecom Geneva in 1999 I arranged a meeting with Vint Cerf and Philippe
Queau - representing UNESCO, and Rosa Delgado was also present.
This meeting lead directly to ISOC's recognition as UNESCO NGO (despite
explicit reservations from some members of ISOC's BoT which is not the
province of this exchange.)
Among the questions explicitly discussed were UN system's potential
implication in Internet Governance but also an initial exploration of a
possible role for UN/UNESCO as as a recognized international Third Party
Privacy Certification
... this in turn lead to the terms of Charter of the Privacy and Security
Working Group of the I.S.T.F. Internet Societal Task Force as it existed
before ISOC's revamping
Most of the Charter's points of concern remain as pertinent as they remain
unanswered today.
Nevertheless the focus has changed and become far more top down than 7
years ago - all to be expected.
IMHO the question of Online / Offline legislative harmonization and of
independant certification authorities is as important as the role played
by convergence of emerging technologies in redefining effective network
oversight offered Civil Society stakeholders but intellectual overview
appears essential for those involved in oversight definition - before even
broaching the thorny issues of modus operandi.
For those involved ... Good Luck !
Best regards Jonathan
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