[governance] THEME PROPOSAL: internet content filtering and freeexpression

Ralf Bendrath bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Mar 22 04:10:57 EST 2006

Parminder wrote:

>>> obtaining the support of several other digital rights groups.>>
> Also more surprising, since digital rights is a term much less unclear
> and specific - for ex, see its meaning in the expression 'digital
> rights management', vis-à-vis as the term is used by CS groups.
Well, CS groups have tried to refill the word "rights" with its original
meaning for a while. European Digital Rights (EDRi.org) has quite 
successfully worked with this re-framing. Many of us only speak of 
"digital restriction management" when talking about DRM, while reserving 
"rights" for human rights.

Best, Ralf
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