[governance] Annan to establish international forum oninternet governance

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Sun Mar 5 09:13:13 EST 2006


At 09:08 PM 04.3.2006 '?.'  -0500, Milton Mueller wrote:
>These are very good questions, Vittorio; I commend you for raising 
>them persistently.  As we both suspect, the Board, ICANN's CEO 
>Twomay, and GAC will have a tendency to work this out on their own 
>without specifying a formal process that could be open to CS and others.

Actually ICANN has already demonstrated an ability to carry ouit 
reform after the long ERP process.

>BTW - as far as you know, does ICANN have a plan to implement the Tunis
>Agenda and reform itself? does the ICANN Board have an opinion on how to
>do it? or could you explain your opinion on this, if there is not a
>common one among the Board?

As I already wrote you, the Board opinion can be expressed by its 
chair - that's not only normal, that's a must.
I can respond as an individual:
Which parts of the Tunis Agenda are you referring to? I can speak for 
the Internet Society of Bulgaria, which has a project on Internet 
Governance. We have proposed to interested parties, including 
Milton's IG project, to actively cooperate with each other. So far 
there has been only one response - from BlueLink, who maintain a good 
site about WSIS. I am still waiting to hear from others, who want to 
cooperate on this issue. The lack of such positive signals from other 
entities, involved in the IG and the IGF, is a sign that not 
everything goes well in the civil society.


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