[governance] ITU and Follow Up

Robert Guerra rguerra at lists.privaterra.org
Sun Jan 29 20:46:58 EST 2006


Wolfgang thanks for pointing out that the Kurth is in the running for  
the position of Secretary General of the ITU. If i'm not mistaken,  
there is also a swiss candidate.

The first thing that comes to mind is how close (or not) the position  
is to the one the EU will be putting forward. I know there was  
considerable tension between different EU states in the final WSIS  
negotiations . Do those tensions still exist? What does Austria say?  
What's the position of the country that holds the presidency after  

Canada, New Zealand, Uruguay and Singapore  would be a key counties   
to consult.



Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.org>
Managing Director, Privaterra
Tel +1 416 893 0377 Fax +1 416 893 0374

On 29-Jan-06, at 4:27 AM, Wolfgang Kleinwächter wrote:

> Dear list,
> Bill has put the finger on the right point. Here are some  
> quatations from the German Paper "ITU and Follow Up: Food for  
> Thought".
> Take also into account, that the German Mr. Kurth is one of four  
> candidates for elecetion as the new Secretary General of the ITU in  
> November 2006.

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