[governance] [ga] Re: Establishment of the European Regional At-Large Organizaton

Danny Younger dannyyounger at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 21 13:30:45 EST 2006


Frankly, your interest is in continuing to promote a
construct that replaces a host of At-Large directors
with a single non-elected liaison to the ICANN Board. 
Your agenda, and those of many of your associates on
the ALAC, calls for taking advantage of
ICANN-sponsored travel perks while refusing to have
your Committee discuss critical at-large matters (such
as representation) with the balance of the at-large
community that stand in fierce opposition to your

Your option was to support the conclusions of the
At-Large Study Committee that called for the
establishment of a Supporting Organization for the
At-Large and which called for seating five At-Large
directors on the Board.  Instead, you elected to
support a set of bylaws written by those that had just
expelled the At-Large directors in a Palace Coup

You don't represent the At-Large.  You actions serve
to continue thwarting our right as the largest
stakeholder group to Board-level representation. 

best regards,

--- Vittorio Bertola <vb at bertola.eu.org> wrote:

> Danny Younger ha scritto:
> > You have chosen to acquiesce to capture because it
> > serves your interests -- sorry, but I find this to
> be
> > repugnant. 
> Could you please specify
> 1) which "interests" I would have, that would be
> served by the present 
> situation, and,
> 2) how did I "acquiesce to capture", and what could
> I have done instead?
> Thanks,
> -- 
> vb.             [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a]
> bertola.eu.org]<-----
> http://bertola.eu.org/  <- Prima o poi...

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